Anyone up for a five hour dog fight Saturday morning?

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Well-known member
Feb 5, 2023
Flip and I will be putting on a little five hour dog fight this Saturday morning. I hope there is an interest? In looking at the calendar there is the Crackerfest, the Southern Anglers(closed) and the Cleveland Bass club is on the Nick(closed). There appears to be nothing on the Chick that is open. I thought about a safe light(6:15) to 11:00 timeframe. Will get everyone off the water early for the nuts coming out for the Memorial Day weekend and also get us back home for any events you may have going on yourself. Entry will be $20 per boat and $5 Big bass. One payout per five entries, 100% payout. Cff rules would apply but this is not a CFF event so no points for it. Also we would be honored to have both TN, GA and even AL folks fish it, emoPoke , everyone welcome.

It will be out of HBSP, 3 fish only.

Hope to see you there, emoAngler Jmax
I'm in! Put it on the calendar Jim so we can get some folks signed up and plan for how many will be in attendance. Ya'll got the scales?
I will put it on the calendar but it is too late to do sign ups. emoScratch Just show up and we will take care of it. The more the better. Just make sure if we have a lot of folks to hold your fish until the line goes down some and then put them in the bag for the weigh in. Lets not kill a lot of fish this time.emoThumbsup Jmax
XLDVee - 5/20/2009 9:53 AM

I agree! Surely on such notice there won't be 30 or 40 boats....But I'm up for a good ol' friendly dogfight!

I don't know about that. I posted one in April on a Friday at lunch about a tournament the next day (Saturday) and had 27 boats show up. This has a lot more time to get big. emoLaugh
Oh by the way, Jmax already knows but I can't fish it due to my boat being in the shop, Ratman's fishing the Crackerfest with his son and my wife told me that I have to help her close her 3rd grade class room down for the summer. If it wasn't for all that I would be there for sure.
Jim, I thought about the sclaes after our conversation this morning. I'll need them at Crackerfest. Have Karl bring his set...I think he still has access to some.
BBass - 5/20/2009 6:04 PM

Jim, I thought about the sclaes after our conversation this morning. I'll need them at Crackerfest. Have Karl bring his set...I think he still has access to some.

Thanks, I was going to let you know when Flip told me he would help, we would not need yours, so all is well. emoThumbsup Jmax
Hey guys im looking for a backseat to fish this.. send me a pm ill pay entry fee if you supply the boat.. im a hell of a net man Id probably even give BBass a run for his world title in net skills.. sucks being boatless for the time being LOL
Glad you got a ride Josh. I am 50/50 right now as to being able to fish as I took my boat out for a little while this evening and am still having some issues...

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