apology to Joey n chattanooga marine.

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Well-known member
Mar 2, 2007
I said some nasty things about his work ethics and wanted 2 apologize for my rant. I jumped the gun and had a few to many drinks. We have since resolved are differnces and he met at his shop on Sunday so I could get my fishing stuff. I got upset because of my father was involved and I shouln't have put it on a public forum. Joey is a good guy and from what everyone tells me he a good mechanic.
He really is a good guy. Yes it can be slow going at his shop, but it comes with the territory when you work totally alone. Glad to hear you guys worked it out. Never drink and type and a bad combo. :)
Glad yall got it worked out, really appreciate you being up-front and issuing an appology to him. I dont know him or that biz at all, but sounds like in the end he was willing to work out a solution for you.
Glad to hear that you guys got everything worked out. Sometimes it takes a bigger man to stand up and aploogize for something rather than keep talking about it.
I think a breathalyzer should be administered before a user is allowed to submit a post emolaugh

Beer and keyboards are bad combinations! It's all good though emotoast
It takes a big man to admit mistakes, we all make them.
I know Joey and he is a good guy and a good mechanic I'm told. Glad things are working out.
I don't know how you can type with that much drinking going on. emoGeezer

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