This was the best I could come up with...
Hello, I seen your add on Craigslist about a monkey for sale. Do you still have it? It's a big, mean monkey I hope?!? I don't really have the money to buy it, but I was hoping you would be willing to help me out with a little problem that I'm having with my dog.. Bruno (my dog) has a stuffed monkey that he is constantly humping, and it can be really embarrassing when I have company over. Easy solution right? Get rid of the stuffed monkey.. Well it's not that simple. Bruno is a st. Bernard and pitbull mix, so he's about 150lbs and he really loves that stuffed monkey... He attacks anyone that gets near the it. So if I could just borrow your monkey once or twice and get him to put a whoopin on Bruno, maybe Bruno will develop a fear of monkeys and let me get rid of the stuffed monkey... Please help me..