Asian Carp

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A reply strange thing I just finished reading about the carp problem somebody better figure it out if u think the chic is bad now now wait until the carp destroy Guntersville the chic will be over run until they get here I'm no expert by any means but I would get the Pentagon involved the military to try to figure a way to kill them may have to kill a whole section of the river off then restock I don't know but they r cjust a thought oming saw where one sighting confirmed on chic
I fished KY Lake in May. They have devasted it. There are literally hundreds of thousands if not millions of them. Didn't graph any schools of shad over 4 days of fishing. I think they are starving the shad by eating all of the plankton. Not sure how far upstream they have made it but I heard they have made it to Guntersville.
they need to turn the locks into death chambers!! Whether its sound, electricity, gas, ultraviolet lights, whatever. they have to find a way to keep them from coming through the locks. That's the only way they can physically move upstream. And everyone is screaming about destroying the bass fishery. Guys, every single species of fish that swims is threatened by these fish. Catfish, crappie, sturgeon, paddlefish. They need to stop the spread up stream, then they can worry about taking care of the affected reservoirs. Killing them in the locks is the key!!!!! Dayton and Scottsboro will become ghost towns with vacant hotels and bankrupt tackle stores and empty eateries
I think Churly is on the right track. I saw a video if a barge locking thru into Barkley. There were thousands of carp locking thru with them. I'm sure it's that way with each lick-thru.
i assure you they are already in chick just not in any big numbers yet but they are here.

having lived on Barkley and fished the Ky lake and Barkley a bunch i can tell its not fun when they jump in the boat with you!


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Anything DoD could offer would be kinetic or environmentally unsound. Either way, the collateral damage would be enormous. Probably a good thing to keep this in the hands of marine biology experts.

Here on the east coast we've had a ~similar running issue w/ the northern snakehead. Now, it doesn't jump in the boat with you while you're running WOT down the river but there is still some concern the NSH population will deplete other species (esp bass). Part of the research done to address the NSH invasion has been focused on genetics - using naturally occurring microbes that have been genetically altered to introduce a fatal condition into the NSH population. No other species would be affected by this. It's unique to and specific for NSH. I wouldn't be surprised to learn something along this line is being done for the Asian carp.
Surprised they haven't come up with a chemical or virus that only affects a specific dna.. may be in the process.. never know
31airborne - 7/26/2018 2:09 PM Anything DoD could offer would be kinetic or environmentally unsound. Either way, the collateral damage would be enormous. Probably a good thing to keep this in the hands of marine biology experts. Here on the east coast we've had a ~similar running issue w/ the northern snakehead. Now, it doesn't jump in the boat with you while you're running WOT down the river but there is still some concern the NSH population will deplete other species (esp bass). Part of the research done to address the NSH invasion has been focused on genetics - using naturally occurring microbes that have been genetically altered to introduce a fatal condition into the NSH population. No other species would be affected by this. It's unique to and specific for NSH. I wouldn't be surprised to learn something along this line is being done for the Asian carp.
Yes, this is also what I heard. I think it may be they only way.
Meanwhile, we need to take immediate action of some form. If we can find good usage for these carp; Export Fish to starving nations, fertilizers, vitamins, fish oil, fuels etc, etc, Maybe the feds will help if they smell money. all they care about is tomorrow's profits and probably won't do a thing until it's way too late. Why not solve part of the border issue by offering 6 month temp work visa's to thousands of ' south of the border' folks to get out there with nets and gov supplied electro-shocking rigs to round up most of these carp, gov buys the fish and pays the workers, geez, maybe they could hit a break even and help save lives, jobs, commerce etc. But of course, there's no profit in it just like homelessness. They'd just as soon see us have carp tournaments so they can concentrate on there own power struggles and agenda's. I am very proud and grateful to Bill Dance and all the elite pro's trying to make our voices heard. Best tool we've got is social media and to threaten to Not vote, without support from our leaders. I wonder- if a TN governor candidate donated a portion of their campaign funds to fighting Asian Carp, rather than dumping it into attack ads... I think we should organize bass tournaments for fighting the Asian Carp problem, donate 50% and invite the media to our weigh-ins!
Maybe Aqua Services can come up with a way to combat the Asian carp since they have been so effective combatting the evil grass.
From what I understand a multi-pronged approach is being implemented.

1. A sound mechanism at the locks. They are starting this at Lake Barkeley first and the cost I believe is around $90K per lock
2. They have found a market for the Asian Carp (Dog Food, Fertilizer, Chinese Food Restaurants) with a lucrative cost per pound or cost per fish being sold so that the commercial fisherman will have motivation. I believe at the state and federal level they are going to subsidize the cost being paid to the commercial fisherman
3. Transporting is also a concern from from I am hearing because juvenile Asian Carp look identical to a Shad. They are concerned with transporting as well

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