Atention Model 700 owners!!!!!

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Mar 1, 2006
Tonight on CNBC (cable channel 61) at 9:00pm. they are having a special on the Remington model 700. According to what I am hearing these guns are going off prematurely and people have been killed. I'll be watching as that is what I carry in the woods 90% of the time. Just a heads up....
I tote one to Churly. Carried it for about 10 years now. Never a problem.
I do not know if I believe half of that stuff. I saw the coming attractions and it made it sound like it was some big cover up that has been going on for years. I have sold 1,000s of those guns and never had one, yes I said never "One" come back. I would think if that was some big issue for years I would have seen it selling them at Wal-Mart for 26 years. Someone is just looking to make a story. emoDoh Jmax

If it was some new issue I might give it a little credit...maybe.
I own two older 700's and one I bought last year. I haven't experienced any problems yet. Thanks for the heads up...I will keep a close watch on them. Just another reason to practice good gun safety and muzzle control.
This happened to me a couple of years ago in west TN:

Last weekend of the season, we were heading to the farm with doe tags in hand. Decided to hunt around the cabin we stayed in and let everyone else get in the stands. Super cold morning in the low 20's, high-teens. Ended up getting caught out in the open by a group of does. Sitting on my butt in the open field I steadied and pulled the trigger on the biggest doe, CLICK is all I heard. Calmly ejected what I thought was a bad round and chambered the next. CLICK again! repeated the same deal and chambered round #3. When I pulled the trigger:CLICK. I thought, "what in the heck is going on". I was holding the gun with the barrel pointing up, and all of the sudden BOOOOM! My gun went off without a finger near the trigger. What I think happened is that I had the gun in the cabin with me and when I went in the cold air, the condesation built up around the firing pen and had it frozen. It had obviously become unfrozen when it went off. I took that instance as warning to never leave my gun in the house on cold nights. But I'm gonna watch tonight and see what they say. I have never had a problem since and over 50 deer have fallen to that rifle including the 4 does I ended up taking that day.
May have been a bad batch that needs to be recalled or something, but coming from an NBC station, it probably just another attempt to demonize guns.
tie1on - 10/20/2010 2:50 PM

May have been a bad batch that needs to be recalled or something, but coming from an NBC station, it probably just another attempt to demonize guns.

Thats true. Just thought I'd give yall a heads up...
churley...I did appreciate the story on the "freeze" up. I have often thought about that. I have seen some extremely cold days...out there. thanks
I have over 12 700's different calibers (300 ultra mag my biggest) and never had a issue with them
The M24 sniper rifle is basically a Model 700. I have personally subjected them to EXTREME conditions without fail.............ever. I agree with most of you, sound gun safety and attention to detail to muzzle awarness will greatly decrease injuries and fatalities in the field or on the range. Happy hunting.
Thanks Justin. I have a couple and have had for years. I saw that report as well. I have never had a Problem. Just always remember, Never point any gun at anything you would not want to shoot. That is especially true with "Unloaded" (?) guns. I tote a 270 Rem 700 BDL. for Bucks and have avarmint243 rem
I have a Model 700 chambered in 30-06. A few years ago I put a custom stock on it and had a gunsmith do some performance tweaks on it. It has performed flawlessly.
I bought a mod. 700 from a guy that would do that gave him $100. for it .I knew what the problem was when he told me he sprayed it with WD-40 every time he shot it.I took the bolt apart soaked it in warm soapy water to remove the buildup .when it was clean and I put rem oil on it I have never had a problem with it.That was about 15 years ago and I still have it today and it is a tack driver and not for sale
i don't think he was bad mouthing the guns just saying what happend to his they are very dependable guns i have two like them both.
This is not a new is actually a problem they had like 30 years ago and did a recall for. Because of that recall and the 700 being such a popular firearm lawyers tried to blame hunters shooting themselves on the "faulty" design.

They are trying to make a mountain from a molehill.

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