Attempting cast netting shad soon

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Well-known member
Jun 3, 2008
Okay for all you expierenced cast netters, I am planning on going to the dam and trying to net a few shad soon and I was wondering, since i'm casting from shore/pier what radius should I use? I don't want to end up going over the railing on the tall pier at the RP so is there any suggestions casting off that pier? I will be going in the early morning when the gens are running, and i've never used a cast net before so i'm kinda wearing about it pulling me over. Thanks guys. emoLaugh
Not a chance of getting pulled over man. Throw it off the pier at the dam at the point closest to the dam and try and hit the area where the moving and nonmoving water meet, there should be a pretty recognizable line. But oh man, watch it and don't let it get too deep, whos knows how many cast nets the rocks under there have eaten.
It wont pull you over. Because of how shallow it is there, I would suggest a 4' or 6 at the largest. the smaller ones are easier to learn on as well. You should have stuck around the M-N-G last Saturday, there was some great instruction about cast nets.
Yeah spur, I saw that demo...I was impressed! It's going to take alot of practice for me, i'm the most uncoordinated person on earth, thats another reason why i'm going early in the morn. Hopefully no one sees me! emoLaugh
if I can learn to throw a net anyone can, just ask Spur. It took me practicing in the backyard quite a bit before I was able to throw it successfully and you won't have to worry about getting it hung in the rocks.
You have received good advice about throwing a cast net from the fishing pier just below the dam. I would only add two things. First, be sure to add a longer rope than the one which comes with your cast net, as you are going to need it due to your elevation above the water. Second, when I have thrown a net there I have netted, in addition to shad, smaller numbers of blue gill, shell crackers, and white bass. Any game fish netted in this manner must be promptly released, as keeping them is illegal.

foodsaver - 6/26/2008 9:10 AM

if I can learn to throw a net anyone can, just ask Spur. It took me practicing in the backyard quite a bit before I was able to throw it successfully and you won't have to worry about getting it hung in the rocks.

Don't know about not getting stuck in rocks. I had one get absolutely destroyed in there and a couple of holes in another. Just be careful, feel your depth out a few times before you let it go down to the bottom, if you let it sit there too long the current may push the weight up under the rocks.