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I know in the past the folks who ran the Grassmasters, and the Nickajack Invitational flip flopped ramps between MCP and Sullivans, so the decision was made to have ALL TXs at MCP to help end confusion. There is a TX virtually every weekend out of MCP. We by no means are saying that nobody else can use MCP, just trying to cut down on parking and weigh-in nightmares.</p>

Thank you</p>
nickajack-smack - 2/24/2010 3:51 PM We all have to remember its still a public boat ramp for anyone to use it dosent belong to one indavidual


I never implied that it wasnt. If you insist on making it an issue we can.</p>
Now, now nice. Thanks for the update. Several of the ones that fish those are on here often so not a bad idea to post that info. emoThumbsup We can all use the ramp. I have seen as many as three different ones go out of there at one time. It gets a little crowded especially when someone or two park to close to the launch and make it hard for others to get turned around and launch but it will all work out. You also have the overflow ramp if some want to use that and just idle around to the MCR. emoRolleyes Jmax
nickajack-smack - 2/24/2010 4:51 PM We all have to remember its still a public boat ramp for anyone to use it dosent belong to one indavidual


" We by no means are saying that nobody else can use MCP, just trying to cut down on parking and weigh-in nightmares.</p>

Thank you" </p>



Looks like wormhook was just trying to give people a heads up and never said anything about anyone owning the ramp. emoScratch

fishinvol - 2/25/2010 7:35 AM

nickajack-smack - 2/24/2010 4:51 PM We all have to remember its still a public boat ramp for anyone to use it dosent belong to one indavidual


" We by no means are saying that nobody else can use MCP, just trying to cut down on parking and weigh-in nightmares.</p>

Thank you"   </p>



 Looks like wormhook was just trying to give people a heads up and never said anything about anyone owning the ramp.   emoScratch


I agree there FV, I think we are all getting cabin fever and are sick of the cold. Seems like some are on edge and are quick to jump. It's all good, soon this cold weather has to turn and we will all be smiles in our boats. emoSmile Jmax
Apparently no matter what you say on here helpful or not , there seems to be a need to be an A-hole for some of you. You sit on here typing away, whining about respect on and off the water, and yet you have no respect foranybody else. I suggest you quit hiding behind your keyboard and come out and participate and act like grown men instead of acting like a bunch of silly a$$ school boys!!
Bob Scratchit - 2/25/2010 8:06 AM

I thought that beetlespin guy was the A-hole. I was hoping to see one of you guys whip his A??

No not really,...he is the clown sometimes and we do like to talk bad about him. emoPoke If we stopped talking bad about BS he better start to worry. Just our way of sending him some tuff love and he makes it so easy. emoGrouphug emoLaugh Jmax
I was attempting to be nice and help. Isnt that what this Forum was founded on??????????? sheesh</p>

Bring your nasty attitudes over and see what ya get.</p>
One more time,</p>

Read slowly , those of you that have trouble comprehending,</p>

There was a lot of complaining about parking, places to set up to weigh fish, trailers run over, etc etc. Nobody knew which ramp Carl Reed, or the Grassmasters intended to use. Everyone that fishes both of those Tournaments, voted to have them at one ramp, which happens to be MCP. MCP ramp is a public ramp, however, the parking lot is small, and the dock and weigh-in spot even smaller. Everyone is welcome to use it. My intentions are simply to make everyone on here aware that there is a TX virtually every weekend there. If you dont mind long lines, and cramped quarters, then come on down.</p>

Thank you</p>
Thanks Wormhook

Everything will be fine. We're all good folks for the most part. Just a little more "camaraderie" at the crowded ramps emoToast
cabin fever has got the best of all of us LOL.. I agree with Churly about putting in at Seridino and just running across ...I remember last year I fished the nickajack tourney with Mallerdecho and damn i was nervous trying to park his truck and trailer in that big mess not b/c i cant drive a trailer just always extra careful with other peoples stuff and that place was a parking nitemare
JDK nailed it.... a PARKING NIGHTMARE!!! On the average I guess I put in there twice a week, 52 weeks out of the year and always wonder if I am gonna have a scratch or a dent, or maybe even be blocked in when I get back!!! And the floating dock is really very small.....if 5 or 6 boats tie off to it then no one else can get access to it to pick up their partner.

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