bad day 6/27/2006

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hog daddy

Well-known member
Jan 10, 2006
LaFayette ;georgia
me and the wife spent the day down at rocky mt. doing some bass fishing i started out by respooling one of my baitcasters with some new vanish line we fished for two hours with no bites i throwed every thing in the box i finely tied on a spinner bait right out of the pack seckond cast i got nailed the battle lasted a hole 3 seckonds then my line snaped after a few choice words i opend a nother spinner bait the next cast i must of throwed that thang a mile my line broke !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and line wasnt tangled no where i was fit to be tied we fished a nother hour and nuthing so we left the next day the wife calles and said my boat was making a noise i was about 30 min. from home so when i arived home it was my trim pump running i recond the up solinoid relay stuck some how after i disconnectd the battery and done some checking now the trim dont work at all so ive had a great couple days here lately but it will get better it's better all ready i unspolled my bait caster now all i have to do is fix the boat and i'm back in buisness

hope you all have a better day than mine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What kind of boat do you got, bud? What lake were you fishing on Rocky Mountain and what time did you get out there?

I know that Tarheel asked what lures to have ready, and I told him either a buzzbait or a Pop-R for the morning bite, and either a jig or some kind of T-rigged craw/creature. I told him that I would also have a spinnerbait tied on.

He and I are going to be putting out on West Antioch, and we are going to be fishing the rip-rap on the damn first thing, and then we are going to be hitting as much of the wood cover as we can.

Only then, if the fish aren't biting, are we going to do some deep water searching for some deep water places to throw cranks and C-rigs. I hope that it doesn't come down to that, though.

As for the Vanish, that's exactly why I don't use that stuff. I bought a spool of it, and I threw it in the trash 2 days later. Go with P-Line if you are wanting a good quality fluorocarbon. I have also heard a lot of good things about the XPS fluorocarbon, but I haven't used it yet.

Things will get better. ;)
RE: bad day

My experience with Vanish is similar. It would break on a normal hook set. I didn't stay with it very long. I like P-line in the small sizes (4 lb). I have some 10 lb test on a baitcaster and it's just a bit too stiff for me. I seem to be gravitating back to plain old Trilene XL. I went through a period last year when I just couldn't be satisfied with any line. There's no telling how much money I spent trying different lines. I used to use Stren Magnathin all the time, but it's not like it used to be. It's Trilene by another name. Berkely BIg Game is pretty good.

I replaced my trim/tilt relays today. Read my post titled "Chick Midday 6-27"

Oh, well!
Sounds like you need to check your line guides to see if one of the inserts is cracked,I had the same thing to happen to me and I threw 2 good lures away before I found what was wrong,,,Hamilton Sports Shop fixed it for me while I waited. Only charged me $3.50 or $4.00,,,GOOD AS NEW !!!emoAngel
Madbomber, for all my mono needs, Big Game is all that I use. Most of the time, for spinning, it's going to be 10 lbs. and for finesse flipping on casting gear it will be 10 lbs. If I can't get any SpiderWire for heavy duty flipping and pitching, I will go up to 15 lbs. and I have yet to break a bass off in heavy cover using it.

You are right about the P-Line in the heavier's a bit stiffer than I would like. The only time I use fluorocarbon though is when I am drop-shotting (and can afford it). So, I stick with 6-8 lbs. in it, and that's just fine for me. ;)
I keep telling you guys.... use trilene ... it is the best mono out there.....and me and the madbomber used to work at DuPont....when they made stren lines emoGeezer
Al, unless Trilene has changed a lot over the past couple of years, it has enough memory to make my computer run faster. emoLaugh emoLaugh

I know that Berkley makes Trilene and Big Game, but Big Game is a different animal than Trilene.

And Stren is worse than Trilene, and Berkley is now making it as well. emoPoke
I have been doing this a long time.... every once in a while I will tie the line off and take the memory out of the spool by stretching the line and crank it back on the reel... dang, works every time... nice and limp and no problems.... ain't that right???madbomber????emoGeezer
LOL I don't doubt your knowledge, and I agree with what you say. It does work. Just for me, Big Game is the only mono that I will use. ;)
I've been using Vanish on two to three reels for the last two months in 10lb, 14lb, and 17lb and have had no problems at all. In fact, if it were not for the occasional use of a Spook or Pop-R, I would use it for all techniques with the exception of thick weeds. The 17lb is excellent for flipping and pitching laydowns with its' abrasion resistance, the 14lb will get your cranks and spinnerbaits to their true running depth without sacrificing line strength, and the 10lb can't be beat for the shaky-head. And to top it off, it is invisible! Line memory issues, which typically occur on spinning reels, can be corrected by running all the line out with nothing attached at trolling speed. As far as break-offs, bad knots and cracked guides are usually the culprit. I guess it is simply a matter of personal preference.
Alas, our monthly debate of what line is the best. Seems like once a month we somehow dreft into the,"This is what I USE AND IT IS BETTER." program.;) I do not even think I will get into this one. emoLaugh Jmax
I will gladly get into this one as i love to experiment with different lines. Vanish Flourocarbon is like Dr. Jeckyl and Mr. Hyde. One spool works great and the next one works terrible! i have three reels rigged with 20 lb flourocarbon all the time for jigs and plastics. I have used Vanish, Basspro xps, Seaguar, Stren (when they had it), and most recently cabela's. Of all of these lines the best two by far are Basspro and Seaguar and they are probably the same line. Cabelas is very strong but after fishing for 30 minutes with it it turns a flourescent white color which defeats the whole purpose of flourocarbon. For my three crankbait rods I use Sufix Siege 12 lb mono. It is a little bit stretchy but it is the best all around line i have tried and will cast a mile. I know p line and big game are stronger but you can look at the line and see why. They are just heavier denier (thicker diameter) lines and therefore it is like comparing apples to oranges. For spinnerbaits and carolina rigs i use braid and by far the best one i have tried is Powerpro. For several years all i fished was braid because of the sensitivity so i have tried them all. Of course i use a flouro leader on the c rig.

All I will say is that I have used Vanish and had many, many breaks on hook set. I have also used Trilene and like the previous post, if I need to upgrade the memory on my computer I could just put a spool in there! I have never seen line roll off a reel in loops like that with the bail tripped before! I tossed it and use braid now. Powerpro all the way!

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