Bad Morning 9/17/2006

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Apr 30, 2006
10,855 goes...</p>

Put in this morning with my buddy in  from the Navy and his 11 year old girl. <u>Headed out to Spotville.</u> </p>

1st bit of bad luck, no current! Really was tough getting any bites! </p>

2nd bad luck, well for me and her dad, she was catching small spots and was the only one catching fish. (4 under 10") Great for her though! </p>

3rd Bad BAD Luck for all of us...I made a hundred cast this morning with her right there and went just fine UNTIL... I pulled back to cast, launched that 2 treble hook top water lure...right on her face! 2 HOOKS buried themselves just to the left of her eye. Im talking 1/8 of an inch and it would have fot her eyeball. </p>

We treid to see if it might pass through but no luck. Ironically, you know the very small ring that is really hard to open to change hooks, its was partially opend and half way around the lure eye!!! We truned it until the lure was loose and cut the one hook that was sticking out. </p>

Fired up and headed to the ER. Thank God my mom works there! We got right in and after some more screaming and numbing, he got the hooks out. I cant tell you how terrible I have felt this whole time. I know accidents are gonna happen but this was her very first bass trip and WAS having a blast until that happened. </p>

She hugged me and told me not to hurt and that things like tis happen...But you know, its tough just not feeling bad all day. I treated her out to lunch and we made a few good jokes...</p>

1. She caught the most but I got the biggest. </p>

2. I caught the prettiest fish.</p>

3. Shes "hooked" on fishing.  </p>

Geez...what a morning for us all and bless her heart, she still loves me. I don't know if I'll feel better for a few days.

I took pics of the hook before and after so as soon as i get the software for my phone, I post. BTW, Yea, she kept the treble hook.
Oh man... emoSorry
I slammed my wife in the head with a redfin one time. I was lucky... her thick head of hair kept the hooks out of her scalp, but she still had a knot on her head. I felt bad at that... can't imagine what you're going through. Sounds like she's a super trooper however... she'll feel better after a good night's sleep.... and so will you. Have heart! And you're a good man for sharing... I bet your story will remind others to "be careful out there folks. emoGrouphug
Gosh, I hate to hear that... however, all is well now....that is good..

and just to think of this event .... and you want me to go fishing with you????
I don't want to go to the ER....I don't care if your mom works there....
I am glad everything turned out ok....emoGeezer emoSorry
I came very close to hooking my daughter in the face with a rapala when she was about 6. I had been extremely conscientious watching my backswing before I cast. I thought I was super careful but it happened to me...I looked away for an instant and there the lure went straight to her face barely in the skin...had I put the slightest amount of pressure they would have surely embedded but I happenend to look at the last second and stopped as my heart skipped a beat. As safe as I try to be I know it could happen anytime to anyone. Thanks for sharing your story BBass- I'm Glad everything ended up okay.
BBass I know exactly how you feel and it is a sick feeling in the pit of your stomach when you hook someone. About 25 years ago I hooked my 8 year old nephew in the same place but I caught him on the upstroke of my cast and the hooks from a 6A Bomber went in and tore out a hole that the hook just fell out. Lots of blood and lots of screaming. He was a sure enough trooper and didn't even want to stop fishing after he quit bleeding. We both learned a lesson that day, he won't get behind anyone that is casting and I look back even when I'm fishing alone.

Wow I hope she trun's out OK . I'm sure she will/ It sounds like you've got one heck of a little girl there. Good luck.
Gosh that is such a bad thing to have happen on a first trip and I know you felt awful. My dad caught me in the meaty part of my shoulder with a hula popper one time as he was casting. It almost jerked me off my feet. I've had a lot of near misses with crank baits and such. I really hope she feels better and you can get her back on the lake soon. Sounds like a real trooper!
BBass ... sorry you had to endure a few hours of guilt and trama but kids are resilent and forgiving. I have never hooked anyone but myself with some casting antics .. but I would feel bad if I did. I also know however that should I get hooked by anyone else ... I wouldn't be mad about it as accidents do happen as you said.

emoThumbsup to the little one for being so brave. But emoGrouphug that she is such a good little fishing partner that she wants to go again.

BBass our little girl fell on a DD-22 and buried the hooks in her hand! She was palying in the boat while I was mowing and she got into the lockker and was looking at all the pretties. She buried the hooks to the shank in the palm of her hand and when we finally got her to ER the DR. on call was afraid to get it out. After some tense moments with him I found out he was a practicioner instead of a dr. and one of the nurses asked if I had any line with me. Of coarse I had some in the truck and she done the pull it out quick deal on her.. Worked good with no problems.
Now she is forever wanting to go fishing and always showing her Trophy.. I mounted it to a board and she kept it hooks and all.emoLaugh
I have been hooked in the face this year and burried the trebels in my girls head a few years ago. Not pretty! I wear sunglasses even on the cloudiest days to protect my eyes and am afraid when people try to cram fishermen in a boat! Glad all is well!
Ouch! Sorry to hear it but glad it turned out ok. So, not telling anyone what to do BUT when my kids go fishing with me I ALWAYS take the pliers and pinch the barbs down. I know, I know you do let one get away now and then, but if someone gets a hook in them, and they have twice, no trip to the ER is usually needed, unless maybe for TET shot.

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