Bank Fishing Ideas

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Well-known member
Aug 16, 2015
Hey y'all I was wondering if some of you could give me some good ideas on places to go bank fishing. I've only been fishin for about 6 months, and my buddy I usually go with is out of town for awhile with a family emergency so I am stuck on the bank for awhile. With it getting colder I don't know if much can be caught from the bank, but I am up for trying.

I live in East Ridge and I don't mind going for a drive to get to a good spot.

I am the last guy to give any advice about catching fish in TN (yet)...but...I see that you are not far from the Chattanooga dam.

There is a fine bank fishing area just below the dam. Good parking near a College and an easy walk to the shoreline. I've seen Youtube videos of guys catching fish there. Haven't done it the one time that I went, but, that is just me.

regards, richg99
Thanks Rich I know the area you are talking about. I wasn't sure how much bank I could get to from there, but I will find out later today. I have a lead on a spot up by harrison bay too so I think it will be an exploratory day today :)
As far as bank fishing goes, I've got a couple ideas. I've never had a boat but I've been fishing the Chattanooga area for a while now so it's forced me to become creative. The spot below the dam has really produced well in the past but wasn't tip top this year, I usually wade there, but I suppose thats pretty difficult now that the cold is here. If I were you I'd take enough weight with you to get it out there, but be forewarned there are a ton of snags along the bottom of that area. Some times I'll use a weight and a float and to get it out there but then let it flow down with the current. Another idea is the Raccoon Mountain fishing pier, down Cummings Hwy in Lookout Valley. If you're interested in Catfishing the pier is a very good option, and its produced at least average size fish for me year round. Also, there are multiple banks that can be fished down below the dam on Nickajack lake. One beach on the opposite side of the fishing pier near some pylons, and the pier itself. I'm sure the current on both dams right now is probably roaring though, so take care! Lastly, you may also consider multiple places around the riverpark area south of the dam. The mouth of South Chick, or the water should be high enough to make some of the piers further down fishable. Good luck whatever you do!
If you are wanting crappie go fish under Wolftiever Bridge.
For bass I would go below the Chick dam.
I see guys catching fish off the main channel point at Chester frost. Way out where it opens up to the main river...
Or go spend a few bucks and get a kayak...