Bass/Crappie fishing with 2jigs Wednesday 11-29-06

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Mar 8, 2006
After several times of trying to get together to fish, 2jigs and I finally made it out today. He had an interview this am early, so I fished for Crappie before he got there. I had 7 keepers out of 16 fish. Slow, slow slow day. Fish were very tight to wood and in a negative/neutral mood. Counted down to 1000/15 before slowly gliding the 1/32 oz jig. Most bites were very subtle and lure almost not moving, what I call dead baiting a jig. The smaller of the two in the photo below was 10.75 inches long. He was typical of the others.

When 2jigs got there, we decided to try bass fishing and they were even more stubborn than the Crappie. We only had a couple of bites each and I finally landed this monster on a 1/2 oz blue/white SB. By Beetlespin's accounting, this fish must weigh 4-6 pounds. LOL Notice how long I have my arm extended? That's how you get a pic of a 4 lber. In fact though, he was only about 12" long or so.emoBigsmile

Steve, I really had a great time with you today and we will do it again someday when the fish are wanting to have a little more fun than they did today.emoGeezer


  • Black Crappie by Drumking.jpg
    Black Crappie by Drumking.jpg
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polo-dog - 11/29/2006 7:15 PM

Good fish DK. Is that the ramp at Waconda bay, or where is it?

Yes that's the ramp in Waconda Bay off Tyner Lane. You can launch a boat all winter from this ramp. When I fish down here in the winter, this is where I launch. Mid-January I will probably be trailoring up to Dayton and launch in Richland Creek.emoGeezer
<font color="#6600ff">DrumKing, you know I love man.  After looking at all your pictures, I think you should grow a mustach.  There is something missing and I can't seem to put my finger on it....It would make you look more distinquished.  And since you are the King, yeah, that would be great.  The sweet wife might like too...
Fat Albert - 11/29/2006 10:26 PM

<font color="#6600ff">DrumKing, you know I love man.  After looking at all your pictures, I think you should grow a mustach.  There is something missing and I can't seem to put my finger on it....It would make you look more distinquished.  And since you are the King, yeah, that would be great.  The sweet wife might like too...

I grew one onetime, Fat Albert and trust me, you don't want to see me in a tashe. What I ought to do is take my hat off and look like Mr Clean. emoBigsmile
Hows come no pic of 2jigs? We need to see what his face looks like. Was it because he had no fish? Dickie you should have taken his picture with some of your fish like folks do with FA so we can see what he looks like.
J/K FA you know I love ya manemoPoke

cheez - 12/1/2006 5:09 AM

Hows come no pic of 2jigs? We need to see what his face looks like. Was it because he had no fish? Dickie you should have taken his picture with some of your fish like folks do with FA so we can see what he looks like.
J/K FA you know I love ya manemoPoke


Well now, 2jigs did catch a couple of Crappie, but his arms would have to be about 5 feet long to make those fish look decent. emoBigsmile I believe that he did learn something about shooting docks though. I just wish that the fish had been more active so that the experience had been better. I guess that's why they call it fishing instead of catching.emoGeezer
cheez - 12/1/2006 5:09 AM Hows come no pic of 2jigs? We need to see what his face looks like. Was it because he had no fish? Dickie you should have taken his picture with some of your fish like folks do with FA so we can see what he looks like. J/K FA you know I love ya manemoPoke Cheez

<font color="#6600ff">thanks, cheez, I think I resemble that remark....  However, I know there is love there, bro.  </font><font color="#990033">Question???  have you ever put a reel on the rod that you got at the picnic??? just wondering...FA</font></p>
Fat Albert - 12/1/2006 10:01 AM

cheez - 12/1/2006 5:09 AM Hows come no pic of 2jigs? We need to see what his face looks like. Was it because he had no fish? Dickie you should have taken his picture with some of your fish like folks do with FA so we can see what he looks like. J/K FA you know I love ya manemoPoke Cheez

<font color="#6600ff">thanks, cheez, I think I resemble that remark....  However, I know there is love there, bro.  </font><font color="#990033">Question???  have you ever put a reel on the rod that you got at the picnic??? just wondering...FA</font></p>

FA uh,er well no sir I have not. What little fishing I have been able to do since the picnic has not necessitated that type rig. When the fishing heats up this spring I should Gir-R-Done.

Don't jump the gun on me Cheez. I got 2 small fish. I don't get skunked too much. But I'll tell you what DK is the man to skunk ya! I think he can catch fish out of a bathtub.emoLaugh . We didn't fish but about 1.5 hrs. & with the front movin in it was tough. You know, comming to think of it. Dk had the crappie (in the pic.)before I got in the boat. He got the bass, wich wasn't 15 inch. & I had two crappie also not 10 inch. So I got more fish (wile in the boat) than he did (if we were counting) while I was in the boat. Let's just be fair about this now Ha Ha. Besides, I don't think DK fishes with the same meneltalaty (sp.)as madbomber & FA. To him it's not a comp. between you & him. It's between him & the fish (think god emoAngel) PS. I'll take a rematch anytime. With any one of you, MB-FA-Cheez, or DK. I ain't skerdemoLaugh PSS. I got a buddy gitting some good stripe below the chick. I'm ready when you are Cheez.emoThumbsup .

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