I post pretty much all the details on types of cover and general areas, and also post what I've caught them on. so not everyone is keeping everything secret. If you take the reports here that give you depths and cover fish caught on and then go looking for similar structure and there is bait fish near or on the structure .. bass are sure not to be far away.
90% of the fish are in 10% of the water.. you just need to spend time on the lake sometimes you find a ton other days little to nothing .. fish move with the bait and water temps and feed more as water warms and less as it cools. Except in fall when they feed heavily to tide them over till water warms and the urge to spawn starts to take over.
The lake here is changing again as the grass starts to come back, fish are moving shallower .. but some will always prefer deep water .. right now you can catch bass in the 2-4 lb range in water 2-5 feet and water that is over 20 ft deep.
That almost 11 pound bass caught last week was in less than 3 foot of water in the grass.
Look for cover near deep water .. say a tree in 3-5 ft with 15-20 within 50 yards, and better yet if that tree is on a point.
look for anything that is drastically different than the surrounding water , say if a sand gravel bank suddenly becomes clay or larger rocks, or weed beds. Even a small sharp drop off 1-3 foot drop OR incline on a shallow flat ( old creek bed, or road) There are many many variables that will hold fish over another area.
Don't waste lots of fishing time running up and down the lake.. pick a bay, large creek, or just a stretch of the river never fished before. prob the shallows early in the morn before 9 am and start working deeper as the sun gets higher, or over hanging trees in 3-5 ft water.
Learn that area very well .. pay close attention to where you catch fish , and when you catch one don't just move on down the bank .. something was holding that fish there and more are likely to be in that area.
And just because you didn't catch anything in one area today .. tomorrow, next week next month the fish may suddenly be there.
Electronics generally find fish they find the cover and bait the bass feed on, I've found spots that I never saw a bass on the graph but caught them till my arms hurt , then other days knew they where there and almost no bites at all.
They are just tools to help visualize the bottom of the lake , I have 2 LCRs and use them to find structure not fish.
Well I hope my ramblings have helped you some .. there are just some people who can always find fish, while others just scratch their heads in amazement.. hopefully you will be the ones catchin not scratchin emoSmile