Bass on the Chick 1/1/07.

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Feb 5, 2023
Got out late this morning and thought I would try a little bass'n before the Ark bowl game. Should have stayed on the water.emoBang Went out about 8:30 and got to one of BassBullet's spots first at about 9. Didn't have a hit so I swumg around to one of my spots just around the corner. Right off had a nice hit on a Tx-rigged eight inch worm set the hook but nothing.emoScratch Two cast later another hit same thing.emoScratch I was starting to think I was imagining it but two more cast later another hit and this time the rod doubled. A nice LM came up and was in the boat.emoSmile I thought,"Well at least I didn't get skunked. To my surprise the very next cast another hit and another LM in the boat.emoSmile I thought man this is going to be a good day. Alas it was about 45 minutes before I got another hit, but put the third LM in the boat. That was it for that hole and I moved to a point where some rocks fall off into about 12 feet quickly and tried there. I must have made 20 casts at that point and I thought I would make one more before I left and that was the one. Another bump and I jerked the hook home on another nice LM. That was the last one on a worm and I tried for about another hour. I decided before I left to try a silver buddy deep and I caught about eight yellow bass, one nice slab crappie and one more LM that was my biggest of the day(about 3lbs) on it in about an hour. By that time it was 12:45 so I headed home for the game. Not a bad day no longer than I was there for a winter trip.emoThumbsup Jmax
BassBullet - 1/1/2007 8:21 PM

Jmax how deep were you fishing the silver buddy

BB I was working that Silver buddy in about 18 to 21 feet just off the banks of the Wolftever creek out in open water in the main lake. I tried the actual bank itself but too much junk still there and I kept getting hung up. The ones on the worms were fairly shallow, I was casting to about 5/6 feet and pulling my worm out to about 12/14 feet.emoThumbsup Jmax
Sounds like a good trip Jmax.With TVA shutting the water off at 12:00. You prob left right on time.emoCool.