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Nov 28, 2005
Ooltewah Tn.
Forgive me if this has been brought up and I missed it but a friend tells me that there's a BASS PRO SHOP being built off Hwy 153 right now. Does anyone know if this is correct?
GATOR....if your talking about the building off of 153 close to air port road exit.....i thought it was going to be a bass pro also....but a friend of mine who works for the hamilton country goverment told me it was not bass pro but a new furniture store being built
I have heard a store is coming to this area, but its not Bass Pro or Cabelas but another store. I can't remember, but it was a well known store.
Cabelas is opening a store in Adairsville, Ga next Fall. Nothing slated for Chattanooga from Cabelas, Bass Pro, or Gander Mtn. According to their websites anyway.
The location you are talking about is a new,"Furniture Row". It is currently located on the back side of North Gate Maul and is inlarging and relocating to that new location. It is not a sporting goods of any kind.emoSorry Jmax

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