My son and I got out on the Chick at about 10 and started bass fishing. Right off put a two lber in the boat off a C-rigged sinko. Switch to a Texas rigged worm and put four more in the boat. My son managed one on a rattle trap. As we left I saw BassBullet and stopped to talk to her. We decided to go try a silver buddy in the Wolf creek in open water out in the lake and caught a couple yellow bass. I was jerking it up and down as usual off the bottom when it got slammed and it just stopped. I pulled up hard thinking for a second I was hung and it started swimming off.emoEek It was something big and did not come up at first. I had a light to midium bass rod with only 12 lb test so I didn't want to break my line. I worked the fish for a while thinking it was a huge drum but evertime I got it coming up it took drag and went back down. Finally it just stopped and came up slowly like a big rock.emoScratch Ryan got the net and when we saw it I knew it beat my best ever cat. Now to some of you guys this is not all that big but up until today my best has been 28 lbs. The one we were looking at I knew beat that one. It would not fit in the net but we got enough of it in it to swing into the boat. It was a huge flathead that tipped the scales at 35 lbs and 10 oz. emoSmile I did not have a camera so we took it back over to BassBullet who did. She said it was a new camera for her so I hope she gets the pictures posted. That was some flathead and it inhaled my silver buddy all the way down into the back of it's mouth. We fished for a little more after that and I managed one more LM on the buddy and we left at 2:15. Great day on the water!emoThumbsup Jmax