No secrets anymore! Someone knows, or a bunch of someone's know! I'll put it this way, I got into bass fishing about 10 years ago. I love it and hate it sometimes mainly when its 5pm with a heat index over 110 and NO wind! haha I think it is pretty awesome what we have here.
I remember when they first started doing these rankings with Falcon and Okechobee being top dogs. I would just sit and watch in amazement of Keith Combs cranking in 50lb bags in Texas and dream about fishing these lakes. I don't have to dream anymore! Its awesome the florida strain and hybrids have done so well here. Because the stocking efforts worked so well we now have many other lakes that they are stocking now.
A lot of TVA lakes are amazing lakes to fish. I mean look how well Guntersville is still fishing after being so high in the rankings all these years. It's always easy to see the glass half full when you can't get on your spots or can't even get a parking spot! But thats just the way it is, and like Mike Jolly says, If they need to adjust in the future they will look to do it.