Bassmasters Co angler replacment..

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They tried this before and could not get enough people to ride in the boats. That time it was a free shot to be on the water, not a hundred bucks. I can see both sides of the story, co-anglers can and do catch fish, sometimes big fish, but it is the same risk for everyone. Co-anglers do get in the way and can be incredibly stupid, so are some of the elite anglers. Truthfully the co-anglers or marshals are there for one purpose, to keep the cheating down to a minimum. A sad but justifiable fact..........
That Marshal "CRAP" is not going to work! Who in there right mind would pay 100. to sit and watch a guy fish. Get paired with Greg, the kid from Louisiana. Or that guy Kevin Short. Their not going to talk the time to tell you what there doing. Its A Tournament! If you have ever fish a tournament, it's time to get in the zone.... BASS should pay the "Marshals" exspences for the tournament. Did I spell that right?
Pat Rose
If you really want to learn from the pro's, the BASS techniques events that used to be held were excellent formats and the pro's were very accessible. I'm not sure if they have anything equivalent today. Pro's possibly to busy maybe? Anyway, meeting Deny Bruaer ? not sure of the spelling and Kevin Van Dam was interesting to say the least. Both guys were very down to earth and I learned a lot about professional fishing.
Why don't they start it for the Weekend series, and maybe even some local tournaments, so that you could learn what NOT to do.