Anyone been able to get a hold of these? The one's I had are all but destroyed, and it would be easier to walk into the white house than buy a pack at retail price.
I just received an order of the 4" paddletail tubes in Tennessee shad from Orville Outdoors. Try to call them around 1 p.m. est. They usually get their shipment of Basstrix the same time which is 10.00 a.m. Pacific time. 800-591-7171.
I had some really good luck in the spring with them. I tried calling the number yesterday for three hours and it was busy. Finally got through and the guy said they were sold out for the day.
I answered my own question, got to looking around bit more .. these are hand poured baits made out of this guys house ... no wonder hes always sold out ... and I really don't see what the big deal is with them there are other very similar to other swim baits made . Ihave not tried them but at 6 -20 dollars for a 10 pack of these, Id pour my own at that price!
The Matt Lures swimbaits are really good. They are the only ones I have caught anything on. Basswest USA magazine has been hyping the Basstrix minnows all year hence the sold out problem. I agree that other swimbaits look just as good.
Dropshot, how do you plan to catch 12" sspppaaaatttsss on swimbaits? Can't you just use a ring fry like everybody else?