Battery problems

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Well-known member
Jun 11, 2010
I just recently bought a one bank on board battery charger,two days ago i plugged it up and let it charge for about 8 hours it was still on red but we took the boat out i noticed the trolling motor was a little slugish, when we returned i plugged it back up and it showed a green light? I left it to charge for a couple hours and its still on green? I am confused on whats wrong with it. I was wondering If anybody might know what might be the problem? emoScratch
connections, connections, connections. When you charge your batteries it is very low current, but when you kick in a trolling motor it is a much higher current. It takes less than an Ohm of resistance to make a differnce when you need the current. Remove all connections and clean them. Coat them with either dialectric grease or antiseize compound before replacing them. The higher the current demand the more the resistance will have an effect. If after cleaning everything it doesn't help start having the batteries checked. This is a cheap thing to check first and doesn't cost nothing but time.

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