Bearing cover missing on boat trailer.

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Well-known member
Jun 5, 2008
Charleston TN
I was cleaning up my boat this afternoon and noticed my bearing guard was missing.

Left side has its cover.</p>


Right side is missing.</p>


I guess it came off last time I hauled it.


My question is how hard are these to replace?


Thanks for your PM advice BBass. It is pretty cool having guys like BBass and Wrechin2 that can give you sound advice on things they work on. Makes problems seem a lot smaller.
Ive got a couple dust caps hanging around here that you can have if you need them. They have been under my car port ever since I switched to bearing buddies. PM if you want them. Im in East Ridge
digitalcb - 10/14/2009 9:01 PM

Good time to get Bearing Buddy's.

If you put on a Bearing Buddy take a minute and put the Buddy over your trailer ball, give it a whack with a hammer to expand the Buddy just a tad, and then hammer it into place. It will hold better.
popeyedpete - 10/18/2009 8:33 PM I bought me a set of the classic Bearing Buddies and installed them on Friday.

They were pretty!!!!! Will have the answers for you tomorrow......</p>
