For me, it's half and half. The place that I fish the most, Sloppy Floyd State Park, I have no problem fishing for bass on beds there, due to the huge populations of bass already in both lakes.
If I am on a larger body of water, such as Guntersville, Weiss, Nick, Chick, etc., I will shy away from fishing for them. I believe the studies that have been done and believe that it's alright to do it, but there's a part of me that can't stand the thought of not giving the bass a chance to survive. The bass have a hard enough time keeping their eggs going without humans taking them away from the, that's where I stand. I go with ole Jerry Clower and say, "Give everything a fighting chance."
On the same note, last year I saw something that made me feel kinda good and yet shocked me. While I fishing a shellcracker bed, I kept noticing a nice bass hanging on the edge of the honeycomb. When I would get one of the crackers from the edge the bass was sitting on, he would go in and snatch the eggs off the bed and eat them. I promise you, I saw this. Anyone else ever heard of this behavior? Is it possible that bass are learning to retaliate against the crackers/bluegills?