Bellsouth DSL Speed loss.

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Well-known member
Jun 5, 2008
Charleston TN
Anyone else having issues with speed loss on Bellsouth DSL internet? I have had mine for about 8 years. For the first 7 years this was a very fast and reliable internet provider. Over about the last 6 months it has slowed down to dial up speed and cuts off frequently. I bought a new router thinking that was the issue and it still just as slow and unreliable despite the new router.

Where I live I do not qualify for the the new Bellsouth U-verse. (I guess the equipment is not in the area.) None of the cable companies will run cable the required 280 feet to the house. So I guess I am sort of stuck with the sucky internet I have.
Man, me and BellSouth (AT&T) have been going at it. Tired of the foreign "no help" people. I had two techs come out to the house, replaced my old Westell 6200 (8 years old) with a "new" one. The last one was still within eye sight when the DSL line quit again. I called during the day and had a wonderful chat with an American technician who realized I have two degrees in computer science and gave me credit for that. ATT was supposed to send me a "new" wireless modem because the old modem is stuck in bridge mode and all I got was the Ethernet cable. I called back the no help desk and "Mike", who didn't sound like a "Mike", told me I am not eligible for a "free" modem and I would have to pay $100.00. When I spoke to the American technician, she said "whoa, you have had some serious outages." Evidently, she sees a little more, and could remote into my modem. I have no other options for high speed. If there is one piece of advice, call during the day, during the week. Much better chances of getting an American help desk support because I personally get angry repeating myself with "I don't understand you" after every sentence. The minute I have a choice, I am gone. They want to hire foriegn support at night when we face job shortages here, screw them, don't deserve my money. Their foriegn support uses checklists and start out with "is your power cable plugged in.." versus the American who asked what lights were on, asked my skill level and we went to town.
Man, this was like therapy...but it is still not fixed, lost it for 4 hours this weekend :)
Your issue sounds exactly like mine. Been on several calls with Foreign sounding support staff.

The second I have other internet available, I am switching.
Oh Yeah...............I forgot. They had me to run a speed check, the type where they have you ping a known location to see what response time is. I don't recall the actual ping time but it was slow. The girl on the line, an American, remarked that is really slow. She said she wanted to check what service level I have. (I have the highest speed available that is not Uverse) She comes back on he line "it does fall into the acceptable speed range for the service level you have". That really ticked me off!
Get a tech to explain the grid to you. your connection jumps around all over your neighborhood and across town. New connection for new customers load up and cause slow downs. Peak usage times kill your speed, They are constantly fixing and sorting the load.

I had AT&T, I was paying for the fastest service for over six months. It was not much better than Comcast. Complaints brought out a tech who went to most every connection in my area attempting to improve my service on a more direct route. He gave up and verified that I had been getting speeds less than the level below what I had been paying for.. Supposedly I was given credit for a lesser amount due for the slower service, Dump it all if you have the EPB Fiber-optics available, that is the hottest thing going in the world. I test my speed in upload and down load and the results show my home computer faster than 98% of all computers in the entire Nation.. Now That's fast.
I will post the link to this awesome free speed test for everyone to bookmark and test your speed when you feel you are being cheated by your provider. You can save your results and show them.
I had Bellsouth's land line for several years, you turned it on today and hoped it came on by tomorrow. AT&T put in a tower a couple of miles from me and I got their ELEVATE card, it is a whole new world. I now get 5 gigs of 4G service for 50 dollars a month. It is a very simple system that will connect up to five devices at one time. It probably wouldn't work to well with kids because of the cost but it works well for my wife and I. We are using between two and three gigs a month.
this is also happening to me.. works great a few seconds then it will stop responding.. sometimes goes out for long periods.. the refresh button seems to help in your browser... odd, I thought It was my NIC to
Guys ... CLEAN YOUR COMPUTERS FIRST, Do the disk clean and delete History, Delete Browsaer files and empty your recycle bin. That makes a world of difference
Liveliner - 8/31/2013 7:46 PM

Guys ... CLEAN YOUR COMPUTERS FIRST, Do the disk clean and delete History, Delete Browsaer files and empty your recycle bin. That makes a world of difference

I will say this..

I have been doing computer repairs since high school. We have done that and still get the same results....


For those of you reading this thread, if you have not done this before posting how crappy your internet is, please do so. Another good tool is ccleaner..

It is available for free at and is what i use to keep my system performing fast.

But back to topic.. Internet is getting slower and slower out here for us...
I ran the speed test 4 times over a two hour period just to get a good representation of the speed. According to Speed test site my connection received an "F" rating. The Ping was 32 the Download speed was 1.42 MBPS with an upload speed of .23 MBPS.

This was on a clean computer. Ran CC Cleaner, PC Cleaner Pro to clear all the history, bugs and cookies. it was clean as a whistle when i ran the speed test.

So my internet officially sucks!

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