Got down there around 7:30 this morning,thought I might find a couple of stripe,but they had 11 floodgates open and that's never a good sign. Water was way up and the turbine were churning pretty good. I only hooked into one big fish. Don't know what it was,but I am assuming it was a stripe because as soon as it hit it headed down stream like a freight train!! I never got a chance to turn him before the hooks bent and pulled out. After that nothing as far as stripe (rockfish) go,so I looked for some white bass. Found plenty of those. I was just using my crappie gear for the whites. The lure of choice was a pearl white panfish assasin. I never caught any with good size,but ended with 15 or so fish. Not a bad day. I also noticed a ton of the seagulls working this morning( I don't ever see many of them below Chick.) so I am guessing near the spillgates there must have been quite a bit of baitfish.