elwestb - 9/23/2010 6:45 PM Use Ky Jelly! You can even get it scented now and they love it around November! Seriously though, I don't hunt anymore, but the biggest mistake I seen with scents and attractants is that so many hunters use them in the wrong places. Deer aren't stupid! You can't use or wear apple scent in a hardwood area, it doesn't belong!? Deer know that. An apple tree didn't spring up out of no where over night and bear apples?! It's a warning to them. Same thing with acorn scents in a pine thicket. It don't belong! You know, tit's on a boar hog or an elevator in an outhouse?! That common sense sort of thing. For masking scents you can about always get away with skunk, racoon or fox. But for chemically manufactured attractants you can still run into the same problems. You can't wear Tink's Doe in heat 69 in a warmer area when that the rut isn't on. That 'ol buck might be wishing, but he just isn't that stupid. Pick a place to hunt and see what's around you naturally and use the masking scents. If you have time before season opens, that best thing EVER, is a salt lick! 2 cents from my past experience!