i would give a bream head a try. they have worked just as well for me as skipjack have. i only use the head, and maybe a little bit of the gut pocket depending on the size of the bream.
Chicken breast, chicken thighs, chicken legs, spam, night crawlers, marsmellows are a few more baits, most people who fish for the big ones use skipjack steaks or whole skipjacks or just the head of a skipjack. Years a go we used to use fiddle worms, found them up on sand mt., these worms were about the diameter of a pencil and 16 to 18 inches long, they were tough and stayed on the hook good.
TN River cats don't like catalpa worms. Other than a small handfull of channel cats I have not done any good with them at all. I used the worms hard for two seasons and they just won't hit them. Now in a pond there ain't nothin' better.