Best boat polish/wax??

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Well-known member
Feb 18, 2009
Sale Creek
Just bought an '03 model boat today. In pretty good shape for the year model, but has a couple of hazy places that look like they may need polishing or buffing. Any suggestions for polishes or waxes to help the shine and protect the boat? Thanks for any help and see ya on the water....Jim
Buoy-Master - 10/2/2011 7:02 PM

That stuff is incredible! I use Zip car wash to maintain but for a killer gloss and cleaning...Get that Mequiars. You can pick your teeth in that finish!
....What Billy said is TRUE,Meguiars is the best it's all I have used for years,my boat is a 96 model and still looks brand new like the day I got it back in 96
Thanks again for the information. I picked up a Meguiars kit at Fish n Fun. Used it yesterday, but still not the results I want. I may try to use a buffer instead of using my hands next time. Also ordered the Meguiars mentioned earlier in the thread to be used once I get her cleaned up good (did not see the later resonses, so did not consider them - sorry). I just hope I don't damage it with the buffer. I've wanted a boat like this for years and I sure would hate to mess it up - even considered trying to find someone that knows what they are doing????