Best cat trip today-"The rest of the story"

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Well-known member
Jun 27, 2007
Cleveland TN
Well, I hope you read my fishin report on the cats we caught. Now for "The rest of the story"</p>

Got a new "lectric" knife I have been hearing about from DK, Cheez, Foodsaver, and others, and was excited to try it out. Got all my fishes lined up on the tailgate, and pulled the first one to slipped off the gate, and like an IDIOT, I instinctivly grabed for it.
  Took the dorsal barb all the way down to the thumb bone/joint/nerve/I dont know where place, youch! #*(&ty@)#(&!!!!!!
.  </p>

Let me tell you, I have had 8 kidey stones, and they SUCK, this was waaaay worse! I immediately ran into the house to wash it out and iced it down. It was absolulty killing me...I started to sweat like crazy, got light headed and so I sat on a stool at the sink.........I was having a nice dream about fishing and such, and my wife was shaking me and hollering my name.....I was looking at the ceiling of my kitchen from the floor!!! I had passed out cold,falling off the stool, hitting my nose on the dishwaser on the way down. </p>

She called 911 right then. The EMT's showed up in 10 min, but I was feeling a little better by then, so we just drove ourselves to the hospital. FIVE hours later, blood tests, EKG's, heart monitor the whole time, blood preasure 5 times, tetnis shot, voodo worship, alter call, exorcism....they let me go with a pocket of pills for infections, pain, swelling and so on.  </p>

I still can't feel my right thumb, and it wont bend at all yet, but I am starting to get the feeling back in my other fingers again. </p>

I DO NOT recomend anyone else doing hurts like, H-E-double hockey sticks!

Luckily I called my friend Greg to come over and clean my cats for me so they wouldnt spoil...he claims thats the best story yet to get out of cleaning cats|!</p>
Sorry to hear that "rest of story". I have been catching and cleaning catfish for nearly 40 years and by far the worst jabs I have gotten are when I was cleaning them. When they are alive you are careful not to get stuck. They slip they slide and you grab, it is instinct to grab them but you may have gotten over that now. Just let them fall, the dirt will wash off.
Man, that's awful. Weird how the shock take a while to set in. I ran a hook through my thumb one day on the river, all alone, and had to cut it off to remove it (the hook, not the thumb). Suddenly, I got the light-headed and dizzy and sweating and nausea thing going on and had to sit down in the boat for a good while before I finally felt better. PM me when the nose, thumb, and leg (from the other day below the dam) heal and we'll get out!
Good GRIEF!!!! My dad told me as a youngster if I ever got stuck by a catfish poke, to turn the fish over and rub my boo boo on it's belly. I've followed that advise and it seems to work. I don't know however, if it would work when you harpoon yourself on one of those barbs like THAT!

Personally I'm glad you are okay. I was a little worried about the dishwasher wound. That has to hurt.

Sounds like a calamity for sure!

Yea, it hurt all the way around....of course sitting in the hospitla bed for 5 straight hours hurt too, but it took some of my other pain away!
"Ouch" !  I do not try to fillet Live Catfish.  Way too much trouble to hold on plus I think that it is a little less cruel to kill them first.  What I do is to put them on ice for a while just prior to cleaning.  The Ice makes them stiffer and much easier to clean, plus they are not trying to impel you.
emoEek emoSorry that you didn't get to try the electric knife out. I'm sure that you are gonna love it when you get able to try it again. Several years ago, while I was cleaning fish, I accidently dropped one of those suckers and stepped on the dorsal barb while wearing flip flops. They don't protect worth a hoot. It took me nearly a year to get over the pain that was in my heel. But I finally got over it. Follow Cheez's and Liveliner's advice. Ice em down and wait until they are stiff to cut on them. I don't always do that, but I'm very careful when I don't. emoGeezer
If you are catfishing for the table just take a pair of snips and cut them off while on the river. It keeps the catfish from spiking one another in the icechest and maybe tainting the meat also.
I'm glad to hear that things are better with you. The post from your son was good. I hate it when I get stuck by one of those slimy boogers!