Best Knot to join braid to flourocarbon? Please help

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Well-known member
Sep 21, 2005
I posted a fishing report today that details my frustrations since I converted my main shakey head spinning rod to braid with a flouro leader. I'm using 35 lb fireline braid and Berkley 15lb 100% Professional (as they say) grade flouro for the leader. I've researched all the knots and used them but I break off the flouro leader all the time on hook set. I moisten the knots and pull them up smooth and trim them and it still breaks emoBang emoBang emoBang . If you have success with this please share what knots you use. All help is appreciated.
You tube, "Aaron Martens knots". You will be entertained for hours and will learn a knot or three.
A small swivel! Way easier to deal with, I use 25lb braid to 12lb flouro for a drop shot and just use a small swivel.
CFF members are awsome emoThumbsup thanks for the quick responses everyone. I'll look at the Marten's video - thanks for all the help and I'm sure more suggestions will come in. Derek, one questions. How long a leader do you use with the swivel. Does the swivel go through the rod eyes? I like to use a leader long enough that the knot or in this case the swivel is right at the spool which allows for some reties if the break is out on the end. Again, thanks for the help. emoTongue
I use the uni to uni knot and I am using 16 lb braid to a 15 or 12 pound floro leader for the Chick.
You have to take your time when tying the knots to make sure you are tying them right. If you tie the uni to uni knot right, you will normally break the line before the knot will give way. the most important thing though is do not, I say DO NOT, set the hook like you are using a half oz jig on a flipping stick. Most of my hook sets with this setup is just reel into the fish, then just a quick pop. That will hook the fish without popping your line. I have caught many fish on a shaky head without ever setting the hook at all when the fish just tighten up the line. Most important thing I have found with this setup though is to set your drag lighter than you normally would, I set mine where it will give a little even on a pretty easy hook set to protect that floro leader.
I normally use a leader between 6 and 10 feet, longer in clearer water, and the lighter the line the less of a hook set I use.
Uni to uni is the easiest to tie, but can knock on guides. Alberto works and puts the tag end where it is tucked, but the Slim Beauty is even better.
Modified Albright is what I use on my dropshot setup. 20 lb 832 to 8-10 lb sunline sniper. Ive never had a problem with slipping or breaking. Make sure you we tor put chapstick on the knot before you sinch it down. Fluoro is bad about burning itself when you sinch it, braid is even worse

If your leader is short enough to be able to cast with a swivel, you might as well run straight braid imo. I run about 10' of leader on my setups
Albirght all day (and night).

Used it for years with no reason to switch.

Whatever you end up wth learn to tie it well - AND If in Doubt, Cut it Out!
when joining mono or floro to braid with the uni knot use five wraps on the mono-floro side and eight wraps on the braid side. braid is very slick and tends to slip. pull the two lines within half inch of each other and apply small drop os super glue. works well.
All right ,quick and simple and if you want a long leader the knot goes thru the guides well
I use the uni to uni knot its works great for me I tie a long leader an it goes thru the eyes great.The most important thing is hook set sweep it that was the hardest thing I had to learn if up lay into it your leader will break.goodluck
Thanks for the great feedback emoThumbsup . I think as has been pointed out by several posts that I'm setting the hook as before and the braid just shocks the floro too much. I use a sharp quick wrist flick along with arm motion so some of my problem may be that I need to sweep the rod but my concern is that the hook point won't penetrate the plastic without a firm quick hook set. I for sure will also try the knots that have been suggested. I was at the point of taking the braid off but thanks to your help emoWorthy hopefully I'll be able to make it work. emoBigsmile
One you find a knot you have confidence in, you will never go back. The feel is so much better. I would never use more than 20 lb braid either.
If I can get the pics to load, I made some flash cards with Aaron Martens notes. Here we go........