Best place to buy waxworms?

Chattanooga Fishing Forum

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Sep 14, 2013
Hey everyone.

So I've looked in Academy and Walmart and haven't been able to locate waxworms for bait. Only night crawlers. Where are they hiding? I read that pet stores (Petsco) have them, but are they ok to use as bait?

Many thanks and happy fishing.
My son gets them when we take the granddaughters bream fishing. I think he buys them at Hamilton's on Hwy 58 in Harrison.
I'm not sure of the difference between waxworms and mealworms (different species of bug larvae?), but you can buy mealworms at any pet supply store (Petsmart, etc.); they sell them for lizard food. They live forever if you keep them in the refrigerator. I still have a few alive out of a package I bought 3/11 last year - I wrote the date on the lid.
They are two different bugs all together.. emoThumbsup emoToast

If you plan ahead a couple of days I've had good luck with buying them off EBay also...
buy jacks is my go to place to get wax worms, most all the time he has them...


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