No its not a buck. I have been hunting land owned by "cousins" of the family for years and in recent years have had to lease a portion of the land to maintain my hunting rights. As the years go by, My families land has been cut up into smaller tracts and sold bit by bit. In other words, the land I can hunt is decreasing. I was able to find out that a man in Utah owns the 425 acres next to us. Its the place where all my deer come from and where they go when we spook them. last night I just recieved the 5-year lease agreement back from the land-owner! I am so stoked! This land is similar to what I have now with the addition of about 50 plantable acres. This has more than doubled our huntable grounds and I feel like we will be able to "manage" our heard even better. I have a good idea how to plant plots, etc. but what I am unsure about is what is a good managment rule for bucks. My previous rule has been "you shoot it, you mount it". As I am adding new members to the lease, I wonder what you guys think is the best rule to put in place to protect my small bucks? I want to protect the 1.5 year olds especially, but dont want to take away from anyone's hunting experience.