best to clean/protect new boat?

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Mar 21, 2007
What is the best product to clean/protect a new bass boat? i keep it in the garage when not using but is there a product that i should be using on the exterior to keep it looking fresh and new? if so where could I buy it?
jonathanfaith2 - 6/5/2009 2:44 PM

I make a shampoo that is jam up. foams with the bast of them. I need to market it.

Yea I have used this stuff too and it is great! Less than a tablespoon and I can do my whole boat and have some left over!
40 grit sandpaper, gets the bugs off and everything!
Really though, I use Lucas Oil- Slick mist and a micro fiber towel. It can be applied in full sun or shade, no drying time- spray and wipe. I use it on my boat and engine cowl.
About 8 bucks a 16 oz bottle at Auto Zone.
XLDVee - 6/5/2009 1:36 PM I use normal dish detergent most of the time, and my '97 is still as shiny as any other boat out there IMO

<font size="3">Yeah, but you run a emoThumbsup good boat. Everybody else has to work hard to keep them looking, okay.</font></p>

<font size="3">Team Norriscraft emoToast </font></p>
What product(s) do you use on your vehicle? If you like those products, verify they are safe for gelcoat and use the same on your boat! Personally, I use Blue Coral Carnauba paste wax.
Carl Guffey - 6/7/2009 8:49 AM

XLDVee - 6/5/2009 1:36 PM I use normal dish detergent most of the time, and my '97 is still as shiny as any other boat out there IMO

<font size="3">Yeah, but you run a emoThumbsup good boat. Everybody else has to work hard to keep them looking, okay.</font></p>

<font size="3">Team Norriscraft emoToast </font></p>


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