BFL Regional Report (Chickamauga) 10/16/2006

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I'll try to post more information as time permits, but here's a brief overview to start with.

Because of the expected cold front for later in the week, I decided to spend my practice time (Mon – Wed) trying to find deeper fish in hopes they would not be as adversely affected as the shallow fish would be. So with that in mind I began running all the river ledges north of Chester Frost. By Wed I had about 6-7 locations holding schools of fish. Most of them were next to the main river channel in 10-12’ of water dropping into 20+.

The first day of the tournament (Thur) arrived with a cold front as expected. I fished all the locations where I had found fish earlier in the week and to my surprise they were gone. Nothing was showing up on the graph like I had been seeing before, so all I can say is they must have relocated to even deeper water or other areas of the ledges. I spent the entire day trying to find out where they went, but no luck. All I caught were some short fish, so a big zero for day one.

Since I was unable to put together a backup plan, I decided to run the same areas on Day 2 in hopes the fish had recovered some from the front. Fishing was much better to say the least. Right off the bat I lost a 3 pounder at the first stop. I had a good hookset but the fish just pulled off. At the next stop we caught several short fish and a big catfish. At stop 3 I caught a nice largemouth that weighed 6 lbs even. We made two other stops where we caught more short fish and on the last stop by the Nuke plant I caught two more keepers.

All my fish came from the river ledges on a brush hog in pumpkin or a junebug finesse worm rigged on a lead head. The 6 pounder came on the finesse worm which was rigged on 10 lb test line. So needless to say, there was a tense few minutes until we got the fish in the net.

I also wanted to say thank you to those that helped. I can only imagine how bad it could have been if I had come to Chick completely cold.
RE: BFL Regional Report (Chickamauga)

Good report, BB. Cold front conditions can just ruin a good pattern. Glad that you caught that good one anyway. Better luck on the next tx.emoGeezer
RE: BFL Regional Report (Chickamauga)

BassinBob, I saw that on the second day that you were in the top 20 in weight caught that day, too bad that the first day wasn't better for you. Thanks for the report. The winner said that he fished the same spot for the whole tournament, did you hear if he fished Nickajack or Chickamauga or Watts Bar? Congrats on your 6lber! That's a good fish no matter where you fish in my book.
Bob sorry I never got you the GPS #ers but the fish were gone there too. It would have been a waste of time for you. Wow what a few weeks can do to the fish.