Bill to Abolish TWRA Moves Through TN Legislature

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Mar 15, 2007
Northeast of James County, TN
Has anyone seen this yet? It's a bill that is moving through the Tennessee Legislature to abolish the TWRA and transfer ALL functions to the Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation (TDEC)!!! As stated in the fiscal summary for the bill, this ill-conceived bill would result in the loss of approximately $16,717,100 in federal funds to the state and income to the state of approximately $1,216,400 from interest earned on the federal funds.

This has been introduced as House Bill 2856 / Senate Bill 2914.

All legislators may be reached by telephone at 1 - 800 - 449 - 8366. You must then enter the last 5 digits of their office phone number. Additional contact information (home phone numbers and E-mail addresses) for legislators is listed on the web site at:

Please contact your legislators and strongly urge them to VOTE NO for these bills!!! If passed, this would be a terrible thing for wildlife resources in Tennessee.
I've spoken with some people "in the know" about this bill and it is entirely a money-grab ploy to move TWRA funds into the State's General fund coffers.

Contact your legislators and tell them to VOTE NO on these bills!
rsimms - 3/6/2008 11:48 AM

Go here for more info:

Excellent article Richard. I just went to this link and it is VERY EASY to input your info, it gives you the reps in your area, and then click "Send Message" and write them an email directly. I suggest to each of you that have not read this bill, it is pretty stupid in it's goal and is short sighted for the fiscal impact on the state, which will result in an impact to those of us that fish these waters, and hunt this land. Not to mention how long it will take for another group to get their arms around issues that are currently at hand.
For every email, these elected officials receive, they give a number to each one - say for every 1 email, it is really the voice of say... 100 people. This is an example, but it is truly how they determine the impact of legislation proposed, when looking at how many people are motivated to write in. WRITE IN! The Camo Coalition has done all the work for you, just click on the above link that Richard has pasted above and go to work. It took me less than five minutes to write the governor and my two reps in Marion Cty district.
Think about what it means. If you want more, you can go and read the bill itself. It's only 3 pages and shows you exactly what they want to do. They want the money in the general fund. We all gripe and complain that "not enough is done as it is", well, imagine any group that manages our wildlife dollars will have to go through to get funding. Every single person I have met since moving here that works for the TWRA - I've met 5 - are passionate about what they do. Are very knowledgeable about their jobs. And are fighting to get more attention to many items that people like us bring to their attention. Now go bring attention to your elected officials that we will not stand for this bill and fight for it's defeat. Silly emoBadLanguage politicians... Someone should take the author fishing...
It is all about the money. Everyone needs to link to Richard's article and send an email. Make your voices heard.
yeah, I sent mine too! Maybe one day these politicians will realize that Sportsmen and women are not the ones to be messed with! Please send your comments guys this is very important to anyone who enjoys outdoors.
I too told them NO way .. sent email to both House and Senate District Rep
e-mail sent. I doubt if any of the Politicians are working on Sunday!
I am also sending this info, by e-mail, to others, emoHoppingmad