'Black Lives' leader defends looting in Yale lecture

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Feb 23, 2007
<h1 class="western">'Black Lives' leader defends looting in Yale lecture</h1> <p style="margin-bottom: 0in">
</p> <p style="margin-bottom: 0in">“The mystifying ideological claim that looting is violent and non-political is one that has been carefully produced by the ruling class because it is precisely the violent maintenance of property which is both the basis and end of their power,” </p> <p style="margin-bottom: 0in">
</p> <p style="margin-bottom: 0in">http://www.foxnews.com/us/2015/10/08/black-lives-leader-defends-looting-in-yale-lecture/?intcmp=ob_article_footer_text&intcmp=obinsite</p> <p style="margin-bottom: 0in">
“It’s surprising to me students would pay tuition – and likely incur much of that in debt – and be fed a line that crime pays, other people are to blame for one’s own problems, and that the system is rigged in favor of white people,” Olson said.

“None of this propaganda will fix one broken family, heal one fatherless family or help one more child learn how to read and become a productive citizen,” he added.

It's okay as long as they are not the ones being looted. "Looting" is stealing, and those who steal are thieves. The Boston Tea Party is cited in the article. It was a protest against an unfair tax, directed towards a government, and the product was destroyed; the so-called protesters did not profit from the product. Does one really believe that the "protesters" in Ferguson didn't sell their "loot" for "profit"??
You cannot fix broken families that don't want to be fixed. You can't heal fatherless families that don't want to healed. You can't help children learn how to read and become productive citizens that don't want to learn nor become productive citizens. No matter what the race. It ain't just a black thing either.