blown up motor

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Well-known member
Jul 11, 2007
section alabama
got the news to day my moter is blown up it can be bored out but will be down for at least a month the price for repairs will be 1800 i was wondering if it will have more power when i get it back or will it be the sameemoHoppingmad emoVomit emoDoh emoProtest emoBadLanguage it should not cost that much to have one fixed
Sorry for the bad news procraft. This is definitely the first time I have ever heard of a blown motor having full power. If the block is bored you will have more cubic inches so you should have more power than before.
Only $1,800.00, try $6,589.84 plus tax.emoMad That is what mine is going to be to have it fixed. We play in a rich man's sport when you start having these big bass boats and they have problems.emoSorry Jmax
It won't give it more power. They might bore it and put a sleeve in it. Unless they are boring all six cylinders. Is that what they are doing?
Sorry to hearthat procraft. If it was going to cost $6,000 to get mine fixed I would have to find a small jon boat. I had to buy a $170.00 sterring cable, that was bad enough. I have a 1984 Cheeta with a Yamaha 115, I guess this is about as nice as I am ever gonna get. But I started out in K-Mart raft about 25 years ago, so I have came a long way.
$6,589.84 plus tax.

That is one of the most expensive rebuilds I've ever heard of and I rebuild outboard engines for a might want to get a second opinion.


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