Bluegill on Chick. 3/17/2007

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Mar 17, 2007
Today it was a little windy on Chickamauga Lake, but Blugill were biting HEAVILY on crickets, and, beleive it or not, it was in a foot or so of water, mainly around dock areas. My father and I caught 35 bluegill (29 keepers), 2 Crappie (both keepers), a shellcracker (little bitty thing), and this was all on crickets alone! And all in 2 1/2 hours.
It's getting to be about that time. Wait til 3 days before the full moon, and 3 days after, and you will be seeing them bed like crazy. Can't wait, cause I am going to bust a few gills myself.

I hope to get a few for whole frying, and a few for filleting. ;)

I hope that you introduce those gills to Mr. Wesson or Mr. Crisco :)
Thanks for the info, Bassman. I been wanting to get my daughter out there and catch some crappie or gills either one.  Sounds like it is gonna be a early spring around here and things are starting up sooner than usual.
Welcome to the Forum and thanks for that informative post. I sure do love eating those big Bluegill. I like them better than crappie to eat. Thanks. Now i'm gonna have to go find some gills.
Thanks for the report! It's great to know they are turning on again. I love eating them and pound for pound they are about the scrappiest fish in the water.
If there is anything that I like as well as Crappie fishing, it is catching big bluegills and shellcrackers. I'm torn this time of year between which species to fish for. One of these days I will plan a trip where I target crappie, bluegill, shellcrackers, and catfish all in the same day. I have thought about this for quite sometime and just haven't gotten a round tuit.

I'm glad that you found these fish and had a blast. Good report. Keep'em coming. emoGeezer
Sound like you guys had fun.I like to fish for them without a float just a split shot and a small aberdeen hook.Thats a blast with a small ultralight trout rod.Not counting there great in some grease.