Boat crash on wood's Res.

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Jun 24, 2007
Dunlap Tn
My partner and I were fishing a night tournament on Wood's last night.It was about midnight and we were fishing the riprap next to the dam.Next thing we know here comes a bass boat wide open,and man he's not stopping.The boat ram's into the riprap goes all the way up the rock's (at least 25feet) over the railing and stop's in the middle of the road on top of the dam.We rushed over there to see if the were all right.They were and drunk too.You had to see it to believe it. The boat had to be going at least 55 and by the way he was'nt part of our tournament.

Dont drink and drive.
Wow! I hope authorities arrived to arrest them? If they could hit the rip rap full speed, they could have just as easily hit you! emoEek
I heard about this while talking to someone at Travis Boat Center in Winchester. How the heck nobody got seriously hurt or killed is amazing. I was told the boat wasnt far from dropping off the dam into the Tims Ford tailwaters, which is probably 75-100 feet down.
Nothing but idiots out after dark (besides the bassfishermen) that is. We were up by harbor lights last night around midnight and this boat comes out of "Aries" and starts circling the green buoy, no lights, yelling, and then a second idiot comes out with him doing the same thing. Needless to say the fishing stopped then as far as that spot went. As I was getting ready to leave hear comes 2 more boats, again no lights, one right behind the other, like they were chasing one another. It's amazing no one gets hurt on Chickamauga, more than they do.
yes the police came to give them a hand,if you know what I mean.Can you believe it,they asked us if we had a rope to help them get the boat back in the water?That's how trashed they were, no way you were gona get the boat off the road and the boat was trashed.I thaught we were gona find body parts when it was all over.They should not of lived.God still has a plan for them I'll say that much.
That is the main reason that I like it when I see Mr Majors on the water on the Chick.  Idiots.  I wonder if was the same one who ran onto the bank at Brendalynn a few weeks ago.  Got to be related.

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