Boat insurance/ Towboat U.S.

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Well-known member
Nov 13, 2010
Signal Mountain
I am thinking about getting the unlimited package from towboat for $34. Does anyone have any comments? If my boat ever broke down I would just need a tow back to the dock.

Basic Membership Dues 1 $24.00
Unlimited 1 $34.00
Total: $58.00

It seems like a good deal for an entire year. There have been many days where I haven't seen a single soul on the river while fishing. It would be some peace-of-mind if something happened. If I purchased boat insurance from Progressive or Geico would towing be included?

What do you all recommend? My boat is only worth $1000, but it's worth more than that to me. It's also an antique so it's not easily replaced.
i got that package and totaly think it is worth it its supposed to be good different states i know its good in fla fresh water and it is good for day on night one time being stranded would pay for itself in my opinion
Just do it! My boat broke down at Moc Bend -trolled to Ross's Landing and the cab ride to my truck at Riverpark was $15 plus missed the weigh in.
If you fish the tourny's look at their payout.
go for it..we were shooting a bowfishing tourny on the chick last year and dropped a valve on the 572 3 in the morn....Capt Shane my good friend came and got us...the bill would have been over 600 bucks and guess what it didnt cost us a pennt except our yearly dues.....paid for its self almost 10 times over!!
I'm going to go for it. Do they cover sinkings/ underwater boat location? I got a quote from Progressive last night. . . $400/yr for insurance which covers the boat and equipment. Ridiculous.
The $58.00 membership only covers towing if you break down, fuel delivery, battery jumpstarts and soft ungroundings. It does not cover ANY type of salvage (sinkings or partial sinking). That is a totally separate type of insurance policy.

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