Boat safety in Apalachicola Bay?

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Well-known member
Feb 23, 2007
Is a 17' Pro Craft bass boat big enough to use in the Bay? </p><p style="margin-bottom: 0in">Planning on staying at Indian pass and keeping behind St Vincent Island, wildlife watching and drifting.</p><p style="margin-bottom: 0in">Taking girlfriend so want to err on the side of safety.
I would think that as long as the weather was good and you stayed in the bay behind the break water you would be a ok. Harrison bay is 3 miles across and almost 2 miles wide.
As for waves and surf, inside Apalachicola Bay should be no problem at all. If it's reasonably calm, going outside of Indian Pass is no problem either.

BUT, inside the Bay you REALLY need to know where the oyster bars are (not the one with alcohol, but the real oyster bars). Run up on an oyster bar on a falling tide and you are liable to be camped out there for a while.
As others have already stated, you'll have no problem inside the bay with that boat. I took my bass boat down there two years ago and it was no worse than Chickamauga.
rsimms - Run up on an oyster bar on a falling tide and you are liable to be camped out there for a while.

With us that wouldn't all bad emoEvil emoHungry emoRedface