Boat Stolen from Nichols Marine

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Mike Hernandez

Well-known member
Feb 5, 2008
LaFayette, GA
Found this story at and thought I'd post in hopes that someone in the Forum might be able to provide information that will help the lowlifes get caught. Can't stand people that steal!!

The Red Bank Police Department and Crime Stoppers are looking for information about a boat that was stolen from Nichols Marine between June 23 and 25.

The 2012 Bullet 21SS is worth more than $50,000 and was parked outside the marina at 4719 Dayton Blvd. The suspect cut the lock off the trailer and took the boat. The white boat has blue trim and is equipped with a 2012 Yamaha VF225 LA SHO.

Anyone with information on this theft is asked to call Crime Stoppers at 423-698-3333. The call is confidential and could make the tipster eligible for a cash reward of up to $1,000.

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I cant believe they left it out like that UNLESS, the customer asked them too. Nichol's is pretty good about locking those up in the lot at night.
It was a 21SS there are not many of them out yet. I would say the motor and accessories were the main things they wanted. They would have to be some of thoes DUMB CHRIMINALS you hear about if they tried to use or register that boat. You can probabally count on your fingers how many blue and white ones were made,
That was a SHARP boat i seen it in person now there is no telling what it is going to look like now IF they ever find it
That just does not make sense....why would they leave a boat that expensive and nice outside with just a trailor lock on it so easy to be stolen and then it get stolen? emoScratch There is no telling where it is by now. Considering the date it was actually taken is not even clear the thing could be in Mexico by now. emoRolleyes Jmax
Hmmmmm, I agree with Jmax. This looks a bit fishy. A beautiful boat with costly monthly payment = possible insurance fraud. Well if not exactly fraud. Then what is it if you make it so easy to steal personal property that is financed?
you are all wrong! it was a low hour tradein it had a 250 not a 225 swing a way on trailer had been dismantled no pin and double locked this is a fact
skinny water - 7/20/2012 12:33 PM you are all wrong! it was a low hour tradein it had a 250 not a 225 swing a way on trailer had been dismantled no pin and double locked this is a fact

Then that thing had been scoped out real hard. That pin is 5/8 and 5 1/2 long to 6 " that goes in the swing area. I bet someone came in and looked at it if I had to guess. </p>

Bold meth head probably. I loved that color scheme! Hull is probably ashes in a holler up on one of the mountains...
When most boats are stolen, they just wrap a short chain around the tounge and attach S hooks to the bumper. Most locking devices are just deterrents. Once they can get the boat to an area of safety, they remove any locking device.
Typical news reporters not having the facts straight first. It had this it had that. Guess that will teach them to not leave boats like that outside and unlocked.
Fuzzy - 7/21/2012 4:55 AM

When most boats are stolen, they just wrap a short chain around the tounge and attach S hooks to the bumper. Most locking devices are just deterrents. Once they can get the boat to an area of safety, they remove any locking device.
My father always said that locks are for honest people.

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