georgia sportsman
Well-known member
I have an old challanger bass boat that someone can have to sink for a fish attractor. It has already been gutted, I just have to remove the motor.
SpurHunter - 9/28/2011 8:58 PM
I m very curious if this is legal, I will have one to dispose of as well, and that of doing the same thing.
Carl Guffey - 9/29/2011 8:29 AM
<font size="3" face="georgia,palatino">No, it is not legal to dispose of your trash in a public waterway .There are ramifications of navigation rights and how much weight do you put in it to keep it in place in case of a flood or during high generation periods. But if you like the idea I have a Cadillac I will be glad to park on the public right of way in front of your house for a bird sanctuary.</font>
Carl Guffey - 9/29/2011 9:29 AM
<font size="3" face="georgia,palatino">No, it is not legal to dispose of your trash in a public waterway .There are ramifications of navigation rights and how much weight do you put in it to keep it in place in case of a flood or during high generation periods. But if you like the idea I have a Cadillac I will be glad to park on the public right of way in front of your house for a bird sanctuary.</font>
fishinpreacher - 9/29/2011 11:24 AM
I don't know about the lake, but the owners of rock quarries that allow scuba diving might be interested in recieving them. I regularly dive in two places. Loch-Low Minn in Athens and Philidelphia Quarry. I'll see if the owners are interested in new additions to the underwater "attractions."