Boat Trailer - AWESOME

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Well-known member
Jun 11, 2012
Have a 1950 Ford chassy that was converted into a small boat trailer. With a little work could easily be turned into flat trailer or continued to be used as boat trailer. Has light rust over much of it as expected from old boat trailer. Tail lights work. Will probably need new tires but has some sweet hubcaps. Take $150 OBO.

Come and get it!


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Hahahahaha... I'm willing to modify it if you're up for buying it. Hahahahaha...

On a serious note, I'm sure someone could turn it into something useful. If not, I may make it a yard ornament.
churly - 2/19/2013 1:36 PM

The only way that could be a bigger piece of **** is if it was an inch longer.

emoEnforce u know u want it for making a portable tree stand, already cammoed.......geter done..;........ emoGeezer emoUSA
Crap. That's a really good idea. Also, I just looked at it again and laughed. It really is something to see for yourself. It was born in hard times. My 80+-year-old neighbor's father-in-law made it for my neighbor in the 50s as a way to save a few bucks. He used that beauty until his wife's alzheimer's became so bad he could not leave her to go fishing. So it has sat and degraded a bit over the last 8 years, despite being under cover.

I guess knowing that story and loving my neighbors makes me kind of love that piece of work.

So now I'm brainstorming fun things I could use that for. A Portable tree stand or even a camper is a fun idea. Hmmm...
That's not a boat trailer! I've built them for 21 years. It's actually a hippopotamus game cart! :)
I'd love to get a hippo on that thing! And I thought Churly's comment was pretty funny, though he must spend a lot of time in the ol' crapper to be such an expert. Hahahaha...
Buoy-Master - 2/19/2013 7:47 PM

It's actually a hippopotamus game cart! :)

I thought the same thing when I saw it. It really would make a great game cart. Paint it black with some good ol' Rustolium Paint, put a little plyboard across the two supports and you could connect that thing to your four wheeler to pull deer and hogs out of the woods. emoThumbsup You could also use it to pull premade deer stands out into the woods. We have one close to that at my camp we use, it never leaves from there. If the welds are good it might be worth it to another old coot like me that is getting on up in age to haul game with to save your back. emoGeezer
My earlier post was in jest and my first reaction to seeing the pic after reading the thread title. There's probably someone in The Soddy area that would love to have it.
I was wondering when you were going to get back on here! And folks in Soddy do have good taste!

An another note, it was welded well. If you know of an elderly person who would like to purchase it, please send 'em my way!
Let me set the stage here. My dad is 78 years old and cannot load deer anymore onto his four wheeler. My buddy who owns the camp with me screwed up his back a couple years ago falling off a ladder while cleaning out some gutters. He too cannot load his deer onto his four wheeler. Every year we have a couple young people who show up to hunt with us also. We have had as many as four deer down in a morning. When you have something like that fixed up to haul deer out when making a deer run to pick them up it is great. If you hit a tree or something with it no one worries. emoBigsmile It is also narrow enough to maneuver through and between the trees. When I said what I said I was not joking. emoThumbsup Jmax
Oh, I know. And I agree! If you're interested in getting it for yourself, give me a holler and we'll figure out the dollars! (It rhymed. Pretty nice, eh?)
spnplgr - 2/27/2013 12:38 AM

OK, I'll take it. Have your $150 ready for me when I pick it up.

Now that u have, lets have a work in progress, emoScratch , as to your actual plans ............ emoGeezer emoUSA

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