Boatless angler, battling post sell depression.

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Hiwassee Angler

Well-known member
Feb 4, 2008
Sold the boat last weekend, feels like a little part of me died. Im really needing to take this time to sit in the back seat and learn. I understand the cost of running a boat, so Im not expecting a free ride. Just looking for a backseat to fill!
I have yet to fish with anyone from this site, I guess due to my work hours and schedule. Sometimes I'm up at 4 & 5 am and off to the lake I go, until it gets so hot you could fry an egg on the deck. I work nights, off every other wknd. I'm no DrumKing or Muskrat or Jmax for that fact but I give it the ol college try. I like to Bass and Crappie fish, mostly Crappie here lately. I have been off the water for 25 years so I have some catching up to do. Sometimes I think I'm in information overload. Anywhoo, my back seat is almost always empty. Maybe you could teach me something sometime.

Just emoAngler
I usually fish the Chickmauga on Friday's since my wife works. I end up going by myself. Usually get there at daylight and fish until 3pm or so. Try to make it home about the time she gets homes.
most of the time my back seat is free but i dont fish the chick any more i only fish lower end of the nick and the big g around scottsboro area when i go you can go with me any time i go cant promise any fish but we can give it a try
Caleb is a very good kid, I will personally vouch for him. He has filled my back seat a couple times. Always respectful and a gentleman. emoThumbsup Jmax
I am off a few days through the week and every other weekend Fri-Sat....not a professional fishermen or anything just like getting out there and enjoying what the Lord has backseat is free most of the time and I would enjoy the company....I live in Cleveland so it maybe real easy for us to get together and go sometime ...sent you a PM with my number you can call or text anytime.
Total fishing rookie over here. I've got the knack I think. I'd love to fish off a boat. I've been doing a lot of banking here recently truong to find a honey hole. Would love to learn and ride. Also have a 14 foot feel free lure that we can strap up and take out
hey, no fair guys ! How come I cant get a ride so easy ? No one wants to let me fish in their back seat and I don't have a boat ! Heck none of you guys will even ask me !!!! My feelings are hurt, and you guys know who I am , fished w/ Linda Hughes , Gary Hutton Ask DD22 !! He's one of my good friends . will get to go w/him if he can ever get his boat to quit dying !so im stuck on the bank catching 1 or 2
I fish 3 days a week on the Chick. I always have a rear seat available. I'm free to go anytime and anyday so just let me know. My # is 423-261-4888

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