Met up with Bosco this morning and took off for the G. Decided to launch out of Mudd lake and headed that way. I had made me and Bosco sausage biscuits and bacon biscuits that we pigged out on on the way.emoHungry Got there right on time and there was a Tx going out but it was not too bad a wait. Got on the water right at day break and man...was it a nice morning. Decided to throw 1/4 oz. red traps and right off Bosco has one on but it jumps and comes off. Right after that one slams mine and the first of 16 made it into the boat. WE had a very nice productive day of fishing and I showed Bosco around. We were in Mudd as I stated but I also showed him Coon Creek, Crow Creek and Twin Lakes. Crow and Mudd was where we caught all of our fish. Bosco caught the biggest of the day at 3.5 lbs.emoThumbsup If there was a down side, I just knew we would catch a couple 4+ lbers but the big ones were just not biting today or we just could not find them. About 3 hours into the morning we passed a couple guys that looked to be fishing one the Txs and they had only caught two and we had already boated eight and lost a couple others so I felt we were doing alright compared to them at least.emoToast Great day on the water and I got to meet a new friend and share the boat with him today. Bosco is kind of quiet so I will have to work on him.emoBigsmile I enjoyed fishing with you there Bosco and thanks so much for the $300.00 donation to Mattie.emoWorthy Jmax
Bosco is going to post a pic of the 3.5 lber he caught. He is just a little feller like fishinfool so I am afraid that bass may look like a minner in front of him like they do when fishinfool is holding one up.emoPoke
Bosco is going to post a pic of the 3.5 lber he caught. He is just a little feller like fishinfool so I am afraid that bass may look like a minner in front of him like they do when fishinfool is holding one up.emoPoke