Do you have a water pressure gauge? Need to figure out water pressure first so you don't raise it to much and possibly toast your motor. Once you know that your water pressure is good then you start raising and fine tuning it. I've been with James (Wrechin2) setting-up boats several times and 1/4 of a inch up or down can make a huge difference in lift, speed, and water pressure! So getting out there and making a pass writing that down then raise it, make another pass and so on you will figure out the "sweet spot" for your boat.
You should meet James and I at the lake one weekend for one of our test/play days! I'm sure James has a prop or 2 that he wouldn't mind letting you test out! You can also help me make fun of James when his helmet blows out the boat again!! emoPoke emoTongue
Hope to see you out there even though you yell for the wrong team!!! emoToast