Bowl games

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Carl Guffey

Well-known member
Sep 12, 2006
Friendsville, TN
<font size="3" face="georgia,palatino">A couple of good bowl games so far.There seems to be a theme for the year though. If you lead the entire ballgame until the last two minutes of the game you get beat.</font></p>

<font size="3" face="Georgia">Minnesota and Texas Tech for one.</font></p>
<font size="3" face="georgia,palatino">SEC 1-0</font></p>

<font size="3" face="Georgia">Vanderbilt 38-24 over NC State who beat Fla. State when they were ranked #3.</font></p>
<font size="3" face="georgia,palatino">Oh joy! The "kitten" got scratched.</font></p>

<font size="3" face="Georgia">Georgia Tech 21 over usc 7 emoLaugh emoLaugh emoLaugh emoLaugh emoLaugh emoLaugh </font></p>
<font size="3" face="georgia,palatino">Just watched the Mad Hatter blow another game. The SEC is now 1-1.</font></p>

<font size="3" face="Georgia">LSU 24- Clemson 25</font></p>
<font size="3" face="georgia,palatino">Well the SEC is now 3 and 2.</font></p>

<font size="3" face="Georgia">Mississippi St. played hard and still lost to Northwestern.</font></p>

<font size="3" face="Georgia">The other two games were sit on the edge of your seat the entire 4 quarters</font></p>

<font size="3" face="Georgia">Georgia wins over Nebraska</font></p>

<font size="3" face="Georgia">South Carolina beats Michigan</font></p>

<font size="3" face="Georgia">I was really surprised at how close the Georgia and South Carolina games were.</font></p>
<font size="3" face="georgia,palatino">Just watched the "poke-salad bowl" Was not impressed with either Stanford or Wisconsin. I am now waiting on the Orange Bowl. I believe that I may have to call it a night soon and get some sleep for work tomorrow. Hope that this game is better than advertised( I doubt it)</font>
<font size="3" face="georgia,palatino">Started watching the Sugar Bowl last night. I made it through the halftime, not much farther. Florida couldn't find their backside using two hands. Posted as being the biggest upset in BCS history. What a debacle.</font></p>

<font size="3" face="Georgia">Louisville 33- UF 23</font></p>

<font size="3" face="Georgia">SEC 3-3</font></p>
I watched that whole game. I started off rooting for FL but the way they were playing was down right bad. They seemed to be so busy trying to look like bad arses some forgot to play along the way. It was like every play they would jump up in the face of the opposing player and shout at him. I do not like that way of playing. Don't tell me how good you are, show me. The way they played I am glad they lost. emoTskTsk Jmax
I agree with Jmax - and I think "talking trash" should result in a 15 yard penalty and/or usually leads to a personal foul anyway. I also think running away from the team after making the tackle so everyone can be sure to see you should be stopped.
Yep, that too. The one guy who clobbered the QB after he passed did a bad ars display all the time causing a 15 yard penalty with an automatic 1st down. CAN WE SAY STUPID? It was not a game I would have wanted to be a FL fan. If I was their coach I'd be sitting down with some of those idiots viewing the game and showing them just how bad they looked and asking them just how bad they want to play next season? emoHoppingmad Jmax
I don't understand the conference loyalty shown by some of you. Don't get me wrong, I am poud to be a fan of SEC football but I will NEVER root for the gaytors. Happy to see them embarass themselves in front of the entire country.
Now I see why Tennessee wanted Charlie Strong. He knows how to do something UT hasn't done in a long time, Beat FloridaemoZipped
Jmax - 1/3/2013 7:18 AM Yep, that too. The one guy who clobbered the QB after he passed did a bad ars display all the time causing a 15 yard penalty with an automatic 1st down. CAN WE SAY STUPID? It was not a game I would have wanted to be a FL fan. If I was their coach I'd be sitting down with some of those idiots viewing the game and showing them just how bad they looked and asking them just how bad they want to play next season? emoHoppingmad Jmax

<font size="3" face="georgia,palatino">The penalty was for late hit or roughing the passer. The quarterbacks helmet also came off and on the very next play he was throwing the ball. I thought if you lost your lid, no matter the cause, you had to set out a down? Some of the officiating in other games has been a little suspect.</font></p>
Jmax - 1/3/2013 7:18 AM Yep, that too. The one guy who clobbered the QB after he passed did a bad ars display all the time causing a 15 yard penalty with an automatic 1st down. CAN WE SAY STUPID? It was not a game I would have wanted to be a FL fan. If I was their coach I'd be sitting down with some of those idiots viewing the game and showing them just how bad they looked and asking them just how bad they want to play next season? emoHoppingmad Jmax

Jmax are you saying you don't like the in your face kind of attitude Florida seemed to have last night?</p>
<font size="3" face="georgia,palatino">Oregon 35 - Kansas St. 17</font></p>

<font size="3" face="Georgia">Pretty good game. Oregon got up quickly with a kick off return and another score. K-state would slowly work down the field and score and Oregon would run 3 plays and give the ball back. That is until there was about a minute left in the first half. Oregon went the lenght of the field and scored in 46 seconds. One of 25 touchdowns this year scored in under a minute.</font></p>

<font size="3" face="Georgia">Oregon just wore K-state out with their up tempo game.</font></p>
Carl Guffey - 1/3/2013 3:49 PM

Jmax - 1/3/2013 7:18 AM Yep, that too. The one guy who clobbered the QB after he passed did a bad ars display all the time causing a 15 yard penalty with an automatic 1st down. CAN WE SAY STUPID? It was not a game I would have wanted to be a FL fan. If I was their coach I'd be sitting down with some of those idiots viewing the game and showing them just how bad they looked and asking them just how bad they want to play next season? emoHoppingmad Jmax

<font size="3" face="georgia,palatino">The penalty was for late hit or roughing the passer. The quarterbacks helmet also came off and on the very next play he was throwing the ball. I thought if you lost your lid, no matter the cause, you had to set out a down? Some of the officiating in other games has been a little suspect.</font></p>

I think if the play results in a penalty against the defense then the ball carrier that lost the helmet does not have to leave the game. See below.

1. Helmet comes off. This is big change that Rhoads spent the most time going over with the coaches. If a player's helmet comes off, he must leave the game for the following down. The only exception to the rule is if the helmet comes off as a result of a penalty (face mask, for example). If the ball carrier's helmet comes off, the play must be whistled dead immediately. No more running into the open field without a helmet.

If a player who is not the ball carrier loses his helmet, he must stop playing. He cannot make a tackle, continue blocking or running a route, for example. If he continues prolonged participation without a helmet, he will be whistled for a 15-yard penalty. There is some gray area here. One example mentioned -- what if an offensive lineman loses his helmet while blocking somebody coming after the quarterback? Does he stop playing to allow the end to go after the quarterback unimpeded? The key will be determining what "prolonged participation" is.

There is one more part to this rule change. With less than 1 minute remaining in either half, if the ball carrier's helmet comes off, and that is the only reason the play is being whistled dead, there is also a 10-second runoff. If a team has a timeout remaining, the coach can elect to use the timeout instead of running 10 seconds off the clock. But the player must still leave the field for one play, unless his helmet comes off as the result of a foul. Here is your ultimate nightmare hypothetical: Let's say 9 seconds are left in a game, and your team is driving. The ball carrier's helmet comes off, and the play is whistled dead. Your team has no timeouts left. Officials must announce the game is over by rule.

Last year, helmets came off an average of twice per game. Averaged out over the course of a season and you get a helmet coming off near 200 times. All of this is being done to make sure coaches, players and equipment managers do their due diligence to ensure helmets are secured properly, and to protect players in the event their helmets do come off.

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