it's important to know what size/series reels you're using and what your rod specs are. you need to match the line to your setup. no point in debating using a braid/flouro line, it's a given now. I know some people will swear a straight flouro is better but all that does is eliminate one very easy to tie knot. You will lose casting distance and line reliability with straight flouro. on the braid, I use 8 to 20 pound line. casting distance between the 8, 10, 14/15 and 20 is unbelievable but so are line issues. almost all of the magic knots that happen to 20# can be untied, while almost all the 8# wind blowns have to be cut out. to take full advantage of the spinning setup, you want to go as light as possible or necessary but if you get easily frustrated, sacrifice a few bites and cheat towards heavier line