Break in seem to really be on the increase. FYI

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Well-known member
Feb 5, 2023
Maybe it is just the Holiday time of year that is coming up quickly. Maybe it is hard times falling on more folks. Maybe it is gang related. I have no idea for sure what it is but in the last three weeks I have been called by several people with either break ins or their neighbor was broke into. emoScratch Also a big increase in car break ins and yard lifts. The worst areas seem to be around East Ridge over to the Moore Road/German Town area but none are being passed up completely.

Car break ins are on the rise and if I remember correctly last year that happened also around now. Be sure not to invite it by leaving items of strong interested in plain view. GPS items, electronic, lap tops and other items such as these are mainly what I am referring to. If nothing else put them in your trunk where they can't be seen. Same with items in your yard, don't leave out expensive yard care items or make an invitation out of what you own in your yard or carport.

Another item that I thought was of interest was the last three I have been to had ADT signs in their yards. emoScratch I had been told that often since these seem to be given away as promotional items and advertising the thieves do not often even take into account the ADT signs. Way too often it is just a sign and/or stickers with no actual alarm. emoRolleyes I have not seen this with any other alarm company signing. Action Alarm has had some stolen from yards before and I wondered if the people who took them planned to use the sign at their own home. emoConfused One home I went to had a break in through the kitchen side window and there was a ADT sticker on the window they broke out. emoDoh The home use to have an ADT alarm but the people who had it put in had dropped the service due to them increasing the charge to monitor. The new owners had never had one. They do now after coming on with us. emoThumbsup

If anyone is interested or has questions just give me a call. 423-298-4348, Jmax

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