Breaking News: New Game-Changing Trolling Motor from Minn Kota

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Oh heck yeah! I've been hoping for something like this a long time. I just wonder how good that foot control is compared to a cable driven TM around docks and things.
porthos33 - 7/7/2016 4:29 PM

Oh heck yeah! I've been hoping for something like this a long time. I just wonder how good that foot control is compared to a cable driven TM around docks and things.

I believe it is still cable steer from the pedal but will also have the anchor feature and that is when it utilizes the electric steer functionality like the current i-Pilot motor/s.

I truly hope they incorporated the DI transducer into the motor replacing the 2D snr transducer. "fingers crossed"

This new motor looks to be part fortrex/part terrova.



Holding with-in 1-2 feet. It was strongly stated that it is the most accurate spot lock system "EVER" on the market today and If I am following this correctly it has the GPS antenna in the head unit as well as a External Heading Sensor GPS Antenna for two GPS antennas.... That is a bonus thumbs up!!!!

Sounding pretty darn good to me fellas...

Here is a video i saw of it with Scott Martin. Looks awesome. Ive always wanted spot lock and contour following but i never wanted electric steering. Now they will have all that with cable steering. Thats awesome. Cant wait even though i know i wont be able to buy one until they get nice and used up for me to get a used one.

Oops. Didnt realize this video was already posted.
The Minn Kota Ultrex product line-up will consist of numerous i-Pilot- or i-Pilot Link- and US2-enabled combos, including 24-volt 80 lbs. thrust and 36-volt 112 lbs. thrust versions in 45”, 52” and 60” shaft lengths. Product available in late fall, 2016. Ultrex MSRP: $2199.99 - $2799.99

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