I like 100's and 125's I have never got into all the lighter arrow, speed craze thats going on now adays. Recently I have been shooting rage 100's and will switch to the new rage 125's that just came out. I like a heavier arrow and tip just personal preference, I prefer an FOC in the upper range, if you have shot at enough deer speed is less a factor other than distance compensation. But if you shoot enough that wont be an issue. Id rather hit em with a lead pipe than a tooth pick. My compound arrows are right at 400 grains, and the arrows in my recurve are a whopping 700 grains with the weight tubes added. Light arrows are great untill you hit bone, The pig I shot in Florida last july was 15 yards away and that log of an arrow travling a fierce 165fps shot right through its shoulder blade into the lungs. The broad heads on my recurve with the steel adapters weigh in at 250 grains. JMO